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Posts posted by win4profit

  1. Update-I spoke at length with our vet and she is convinced that Diamond is simply over medicated. She has instructed us to cut her Gabapentin by a third.  Diamond has been sleeping comfortably most of the evening and ate all her dinner.  Hopefully we will have a quiet and uneventful night. 

  2. Looking to see if anyone has seen this behavior.  Last Friday Diamond (5 year old perfectly healthy) had an 'episode' as we were preparing her dinner. My dh noticed that she was favoring her front foot, so we both go to examine her.  He checks her pad and I massage her shoulder thinking its a muscle cramp.  When we turn her loose to see how she is, she starts dragging her rear leg (same side).  She is panting and seems mildly stressed. We get her in to her bed and sit with her awhile all the while doing frantic online searches for strokes in dogs.  About 20 minutes later she is better, no more limping and seems normal, other than not wanting to eat her dinner. She is fine the rest of the night.....until 4:45 in the morning when she wakes us up circling at the end of the bed.  She is panting and drooling and very rigid.  We try to get her to stop circling but it is as if she is stuck. When I do get her to move in a semi forward direction down the hall she is leaning her head against the wall, so much so that her nose bumps into the door frame.  We take her immediately to the evet and they diagnose severe back pain, either a pulled muscle or IVDD.  We leave her for observation and she has no more episodes.  She comes home on Gabapentin and Carprofen every 12 hours.  She also has Methocarbamol as needed.  She has been on this cocktail since Saturday, last night we had a similar episode, where she pulled up lame on her front leg and then followed up with the rear leg. The episode passed quickly and she acted normal the rest of the night. Today she is not right, she walks like she is drunk, leans on me and stumbles.  When she walks it's almost like a crab walk.  Her tail is straight out acting like a rudder.  I have a call into her regular vet and also called the evet asking about a neuro consult, can't get in until Wednesday.  So is this pain related or neurological?  I will also mention that I have noticed her stretching a lot. 

  3. Ugh, I know exactly what you are going through. I have been through the same thing with Slick. His poo has been an issue for years and late last year we treated over and over for hooks. Just about a month ago, we started him on the Olewo carrots and it's absolutely amazing the difference it has made. I hope Fusion has the same results. Good Luck!

  4. Friday morning at 3:30 am I awoke to Slick bumping into the dresser, he then comes over and bumps into the bed. I get up immediately because he is also panting, I thought maybe he was going to be sick. Once my eyes were focused, I could see he was swaying as if he were drunk. His rear legs were splayed wide apart and his head was down and he was very unstable. I knelt down to give him balance and called out for my DH. Diamond, being all puppy, thought it was time to get up and go out. DH went to let her out while I continued to tend to Slick. He tried to take two steps and then melted to the floor. He is panting and drooling and shaking. While DH goes out to start the van to take him to the evet, Slick pukes about a mouthful of kibble. We get this cleaned up and Diamond back inside and DH carries him to the van. I called ahead to let them know we would need help to get him in since DH hurt his back carrying him out. They met us at the door and we got him on the cart and they took him back immediately. We gave them all the details including the fact that we started him on Bravecto earlier that night. About a half an hour later, the Dr. came out to tell us that he was standing on his own and taking small steps. She told us his pupils were dilated and slow to respond and gently asked us if he could have gotten into any marijuana. Granted, after falling out of bed at 3:30 in the morning and throwing on the first thing, we probably looked the part but we assured her that there was no way. We agreed to check the yard for anything that he could have gotten into. We also agreed to leave him there so they could monitor him for any other episodes. They did a full CBC profile and found it was unremarkable. He did not have any further episodes and we brought him home around 5:30. He ate well and slept through the night. Today, he seems to be his old self.

    I spoke to my vet and she is adamant that it was not the Bravecto that initiated this episode. She did contact the drug rep to report it and was told that there were no other issues of neurologic episodes reported. She believes that he may have had seizure and I only woke to see the aftermath. I am sleeping very light because of Diamond being so new and do not believe that I would have slept through a seizure.

    So, does anybody have any ideas what this was?

  5. We picked up Diamond yesterday morning from her foster parents. They met us half way so we only had a 1 1/2 hour drive home. She settled in within 5 minutes. Once home, she was ready to play, did I mention she won't be 2 until December? Slick is not sure what happened yet, he looks at her like she is some kind of alien. She pounced on a stuffie that was close to Slick and he about hit the roof. None of us got much sleep last night but hopefully tonight will be much better. So far, she has had us laughing more than anything. She is curious about everything and scared of nothing. So without further ado......




  6. We had to send our sweet happy baby doll to the bridge last month. My incredible sorrow has kept me from posting until now but I owe it to my Gypsy to honor her with a proper goodbye. For about the last year, Gypsy had been stiff when getting up from a nap, the vet suspected arthritis and prescribed Metacam to give her as needed. Gypsy was a wild woman, when one of us came home from work she would race around the house, grab a stuffy and bounce to the door to go out and chase the squirrels. She never once slowed down or gave us any indication that she was in serious pain. Starting a couple of months ago, her back leg would give out and she would lose a step. She never fell, but it seemed to be happening a little more frequently. A week before we lost her, I made an appointment to take her to the vet so she could check her hind leg. As we all know, any time our hounds limp, we immediately think osteo and I just wanted reassurance. On her last night, I had let the kids out and when I went to let them in, Gypsy was standing still in the yard, I called for her and she didn't move, just stood there wagging her tail. I knew something was wrong and ran out to her, she was shaking and her hind leg was hanging limp. I called for my DH and he carried her in the house. We took her to the Evet where they took Xrays and administered pain meds. The vet showed us the Xrays and our world came crashing down. Her femur was broke in two. The vet was saying something about the edges being fuzzy but all I heard was the beating of my heart. I looked at the vet and said osteo? and she shook her head in confirmation. We knew that we had to let her go and sent her to be with Logan, Profit and Siren at the bridge. The house is very quiet without our sassy little back talker. It helps to know that she is whole again and running pain free. Hopefully, there are lots of squirrels to chase. Run free my little spaz!!

    Her adoption pic


    She had a serious case of ETS


    Her beautiful frosty face


    One of the last pics I have of her


  7. My poor baby had to have 4 more teeth pulled. She ate a little soft food around 7:30 and was able to lay comfortably until we went to bed. She woke up around 12:30 and wanted to go out. After that she whimpered for about an hour before finally falling back asleep. The vet sent her home with Meloxidyl for pain and she had just had a dose before bed so I couldn't give her any more. This morning she seems a lot more alert and no longer walks with a wobble. She ate her breakfast and has been napping comfortably. Slick has been super protective of her, he seemed to know that she was fragile and has been right by her side since she came home. Thanks for all well wishes.

  8. I know I haven't posted a lot lately but Gypsy is having a dental today and she is going to need all the positive thoughts and prayers we can send. Gypsy will be 11 years young later this month and I weighed very carefully the pros and cons of putting her under. She does not do well with anesthesia but her teeth are horrible and her breath is even worse. So the thought of a nasty bacteria doing her in because I was afraid of the anesthesia scared me more. There is a good chance that she will have to have more teeth pulled as well. So please keep her in your thoughts today.

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