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Posts posted by mareyeka

  1. Ok, now I'm ready to write what happened.


    As you know, I've been posting that Dee didn't seem right. Her pain was bothering her more and more. the cartrophen did magic things for her, but only for two weeks. Then, we saw that she was really looking miserable. She did have times when she was bright, but she spent more time with a dull look in her eyes than not.


    She wasn't eating her food, although she still eat treats - nothing could get her to stop eating her treats. She even managed to get into the trash again on Monday. I tell you, I should patent and mark those M&M meatball boxes as a garbage can security feature. ;)


    Yesterday, my youngest son was home all day and he said that she never moved once from her bed, except the one time he coaxed her to go outside. When I got hom, she hardly acknowledged me. She looked up, but didn't even try to move, let alone give me my welcome home happy dance. When I did get her to stand up, I couldn't get over how much hair fell off her if you just touched her. If you pinched a bit of hair, it just slid out of her skin and stayed in your hand.


    We were getting her to the vet - she looked very happy when she saw the leash, but made very little effort to get into the collar or to go outside. Usually, she's jumping around so hard, I can't catch her to put the collar on her. She coudln't get in the car at all, we had to lift her. She didn't do her most favourite thing in the world, sticking her head out of the window, until she could figure out how to do it while leaning against the back of the seat.


    We got to the vet, she didn't sniff around like she always does, and then she began to collapse. She died in my arms. Her heart just stopped beating.


    I have her pearl necklace, the "BRAT" one on my cabinet. For Rox, I have a pretty wall hanging I made when he died. For Oscar, I have that lovely figurine that looks exactly like him, which I bought in North Carolina, now I need something to go with Dee's pearls. I'll have to find something.


    It took forever for Oscar to send me a sign - it was only when I found that figurine 6 weeks after he died that I knew he was ok. I don't know what to look for for Dee or even if she will send one. I feel like she wasn't with us long enough.


    Dee came to live with us on November 11, 2007 - Remembrance Day. She stayed with us for 9 months and 17 days. Not nearly long enough.

  2. Dee is gone. Her heart just stopped. My son said she was lying one bed the whole day, never got up once except when he coaxed her outside to pee. When I got home, she barely lifted her head.


    Brought her to the vet, she hopped as well as she could, not able to bear any weight on her sore leg and when we got to the vet, her heart just stopped when she was lying on the floor.


    My baby girl is gone.

  3. Please keep Dee in your thoughts. She's totally lost any energy she had. She barely could go for her walk. We only made it past the corner and then had to turn back. She did something to her paw this morning and we had blood everywhere, but I couldn't find any source. It stopped bleeding, but I still can't find where it came from.


    Her hair is really awful, dull, dull, dull, and falling out. She doesn't seem very happy any more. She's incontinent of huge amounts of urine and still gets me out of bed all night long, every two hours on the dot, without fail. You can tell she's in a lot of pain in that bum leg and it looks so awful. If I didn't know Dee, I'd be afraid that it was some horrible disease or something.


    We're going back to the vet tomorrow. I pray I don't have to make a decision I'm not ready to make yet. This has to be fixable.

  4. Fingers crossed that the pred will get her appetite going and that will help with everything else. This poor girlie has gone from one issue to another. Enough! Time for her to relax during her retirement years, not have to keep going to the vet all the time.


    She needs good snuggle time with mom. ;)

  5. Hmm, we're visiting so often these days, maybe I should just rent a room there...


    Just came back from the vet yet again. The wonderful magic drug, Cartrophen did incredibly well but it only lasted for two weeks, it should last a minimum of a month. Then, Dee's hair started falling out and her coat is a very dull black with huge chunks of hair coming out whenever you pet her.


    The vet didn't like how badly chewed up Dee's leg is, so we now have some prednisone for her to try to help ease her discomfort and heal up the leg; we're afraid of another infection setting in.


    The vet was thinking that she may be having kidney problems or her thyroid, but wanted to wait with the blood tests to get her leg into a bit better shape, so we're going back next week for the tests.


    Dee is still a happy girlie, but you can see she's having pain and it's killing me to see her like that. Here's to hoping that she'll feel better with the pred and then maybe we'll try the cartrophen again.

  6. Darn - just when we thought all was getting better - it's getting worse. She had two great weeks after her four week course of cartrophen plus her additives to her food, but now she seems to be in more pain than ever before.


    She's chewing her leg so bad from the pain that last night, my husband thought Dee was chewing on a bone. I'll call the vet again tomorrow. I had one more dose of anti-inflammatory left that she didn't get when she decided to eat a whole bottle of them but that doesn't seem to have made any difference.

  7. We're back. The vet doesn't think that she hurt her neck or was bitten (we couldn't find anything). His opinion is that her hind leg is getting worse - I was noticing that she was favouring it more over the past couple of weeks. It's possible she twisted it or moved it the wrong way, causing the pain. I guess what worried me was that it wasn't the dramatic scream but actual cryings.


    So, we're trying her on weekly, for four weeks, injections of Cartrophen, plus she has a week's supply of pain killers. We're hoping that this will help her. She still can't do stairs but that means my kitchen is safe. ;)


    I knew that there really was something wrong when I picked up her leash and although she came right up to me and stuck her head in her collars, tail wagging, she didn't do the happy dance that she did right up to yesterday.


    Fingers and paws crossed that she'll be back to her naughty self soon.

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