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Posts posted by TheFullHouse

  1. I am so terribly sorry for your loss. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. You like so many others have had to do the most unselfish thing you could for your baby and that is to let him go. Cherish your memories of him, he will always be with you. :f_red:f_red:f_red

  2. It seems like just yesterday Jenny brought you home. You were only 5 weeks old, found under a porch, covered in dirt and fleas. You were so tiny. How could I have known you would turn into a 100 lb. ball of fur. You didn't like anyone but us. We loved you so much. You taught your dad that you can love a dog just like you love your children. Up until then dogs were just dogs! I knew you didn't feel well that last day but I had no idea it was so bad. I remember when dad took you to the E-Vet that night. I just knew you would be coming home. Cancer.......who would have thought. You had been fine the day before! I had no idea you were bleeding internally. Dad called and said you weren't going to make it and we chose to help you cross the bridge. The house was so empty the next day and I cried all day, so did your daddy. You came to visit me that night, standing right next to the bed as if to let me know you were okay. You slept with me the next night and I knew you were okay. I was so heartbroken that I wanted no more dogs ever, but dad said the house was to empty without a pup in it and took me to Midsouth Greyhound Adoption. You seemed to guide him there. You knew we needed more love in the house. You succeeded, we have so much now! I still miss you everyday and today especially. I love you little man and always will.


    Mom and Dad

  3. I'm so very sorry and I know exactly how you feel. Every time we lose one at the kennel it breaks my heart because it's a pup who never got to know the joys of a forever home. My deepest sympathies to all who loved this pup. :f_pink:f_pink:f_pink

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