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Just Whelped
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Everything posted by Toni

  1. No absolutely nothing, same time every morning 06:00am and 05:30pm and we live in a very quite area!
  2. Hi there, I have rescued Irish greyhounds for approximately 30 years, all in pairs, and have loved every one of them. They all have / had unique characters but I am totally stumped on one of my latest Finn, he too has a mate Poppy (we call her the skitty one which I have found most females are like). Finn is a big boy and I really don't think he had a good start in life, we have had him for approximately 2 years now and he has gradually become one of the laziest ones I have every had!!!! Getting to the point, going out for a walk! he goes all through the motions, follows Poppy out, we put his collar on (it's not the collar, have tried that one) and wham, on go the brakes!!! and if you know your greyhounds, there is no budging them. So off comes his collar, he trots happily indoors, up on the couch, upside down and back to sleep! - is this normal?? - he will go out at weekends (I'm sure he can't tell the days of the week!) but he appears to be able to do that unless it's raining or windy!! Looking from some reassureance really!
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