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Just Whelped
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Everything posted by burnttoast

  1. Yes, that was one of the first tests they gave her. She tested negative for everything tick borne. So they are saying this is "non associative." That makes me nervous, as whatever triggered it could happen again. Thanks for the link. She had some persistent hookworm when we first adopted her. But since then she's been very healthy and wasn't on any meds, other than monthly Simparica trio. It was a fluke that we even found out when we did. We took her in in preparation for her dental and they did a routine blood test and saw the platelets were at 6k, the day we got the results we started noticing some bruising on her belly and we were sent right away to the vet hospital at Michigan State.
  2. Our girl is just being released today from 3 days in the hospital with ITP. Her platelets were at 6k when we caught it. She seems to be responding to the steroids and her platelets were up to 70k today, so she gets to come home. Looking for any others who recovered from it. They said there is about a 10-20% chance of recurrence. Anyone else have experience with this? I have so many questions. She is only 3, which seems so young for this to have occurred. This was determined to be "non associative" / idiopathic, meaning they didn't find an underlying cause for it.
  3. Thank you. Yes, we have him in training, and are working with him. Yes, positive reinforcement only. But he take a LOT of attention to redirect and keep him from chewing, jumping, and other enthusiastic puppy behaviors!
  4. Came here to ask this question. Our boy is almost 9 months, and almost 60 pounds. Vet recommended waiting until 18 months to 2 years, but we are seeing some issues and wondering if it would be better to do it sooner? As someone else said, other neutered male dogs sometimes get more aggressive, we've noticed. He was bitten by another male dog at the park a few weeks ago requiring stitches. We have an almost 3 year old female (spayed), and in the last month or so he often tries to mount her, usually when he's wound up. She's pretty tolerant but has growled and snapped at him when she's had enough and he backs off. He is also very high energy, and is a lot to keep up with. While he's not neutered he can't go to day care, which is pretty disappointing. We have a wonderful day care that our female loves, and I really wish he could go. So we are contemplating perhaps having him neutered around a year. I have been reading about the more recent research on this issue, and I am not seeing a lot that makes me think waiting beyond a year is really going to be risky as far as preventing future cancer and other issues. Someone suggested taking him in for an x-ray to see about the status of the growth plates. Don't know if that's possible. Would appreciate any thoughts or experiences on this.
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