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Just Whelped
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  1. Good to know! I’m hoping her accidents stop once this infection subsides, but that’s definitely something to consider if they continue. Did your grey have any clear causes or just incontinence?
  2. Update: Thank you all for your responses! I realized I hadn’t mentioned the results of Rhonda’s urinalysis, which only showed the fungus and no UTI, which was of course very shocking! Anyway, her bloodwork came back showing elevated creatinine levels, indicating the fungus may be in her kidneys, while her titre test came back low positive, indicating it has in fact made its way into her bloodstream. She’s been on her antifungal treatment for about five days now, and she’s much more chipper and less clingy than she was previously. She’s had one accident so far. Her vet seems hopeful that she’ll come back from this since we caught it before she’s had any discernible central nervous system impact, so fingers crossed for our Rhonda. We haven’t noticed any clear signs of seizures aside from the bed wetting and occasional restlessness, so we think it could just be bladder irritation. We’ll have a bloodwork check up after a month to see where we are, but my guess is she’ll be on her meds for a while. Thanks for all the support! I’ll keep you posted on her progress.
  3. Hi all, Our Rhonda is six years old and recently started wetting herself at night, which is very unusual for her. Her vet took a urine culture and it came back positive with an incredibly rare fungus - cryptococcosis - which our vet has never seen appear in urine, and is far more prevalent in cats than dogs. We're baffled as to how she contracted this given we're always with her when out and about and don't have a backyard for her to mull around in and eat bird poop. It's a mystery! Anyway, if it’s made it into her bloodstream (which we'll find out in a few days), then it's possible it's already attacking her central nervous system, which can of course cause neurological symptoms. She is otherwise acting completely normal and has shown no other clinical signs that usually present with this fungal infection, but the worried mommy in me is nervous these bed wetting incidents could be caused by seizures. We’ve been taking her potty before bed which has dissipated the accidents, but she is still randomly waking up and pacing at night. Our vet doesn’t think she’s having seizures, but I do want to keep an eye out just in case, especially since she usually sleeps through the night no problem. That’s all to say, what do sleeping seizures look like in greyhounds? She told us they’re really intense and we would know if she had one, but I’m not confident I’d wake up quickly enough to witness it. Would really appreciate any advice and experience others have had with this so we know what to look for as we navigate this emotional time!
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