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Just Whelped
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Everything posted by newgreyparent

  1. thank you for your advice, I appreciate it! In terms of training the wait, or training in general on walks I've found that my dog doesn't respond to treats really while we're out - do you have any suggestions for how I can go about training this?
  2. Hi all, I've just had the fright of my life this morning when my greyhound (have had her for 2 weeks) clamped onto a small fluffy dog on a walk. Both dogs were on leash, just walking past each other. I've noticed my dog is quite wary of smaller dogs when we've been out (ears pricked, fixed stare) but she's never lunged at one before. We were just walking past the dog on the footpath and my dog went in for a sniff and all of a sudden grabbed the dogs face in her mouth and would not let go. I had to pry her mouth open and pull her back. I don't think the dog came away with any injuries fortunately (and I gave the owner my details in case it did) but it was such a scary experience which I'd like to avoid in future. I'll be muzzling her at all times from now on but I'd just like some advice on how to move forward from this. I'd like to get her used to smaller dogs but now I fear that she'll attack again. She's very sweet with us at home and is totally fine with medium/larger sized dogs.
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