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Just Whelped
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Posts posted by MaryHD

  1. Hi Greysmom, and thanks for your advice. You are write, I was unclear in my post and I did mean anti-anxiety medication. By "chilled" I meant to describe her body language as mellow or low-energy most of the time. She is indeed very anxious around certain triggers like running/active small children or the stairwell of my building that has a very strong echo each time someone opens a door or uses the elevator (to name only a couple).

    I laughed reading your use of the word "staff." I am definitely the live-in physical therapist giving her little massages when she is sprawled on my couch ;-)

  2. Hello, I adopted a 7 year-old brood bitch 3.5 months ago who is very sweet and extremely chilled. After seeing a behaviorist and several vets my dog is now on a low-intensity anti-depressant but only for a few days, so no results for a while and we're taking things slowly and very carefully. She is still adapting to city life after being in a kennel her whole life surrounded only by Greys.

    I would like to train her on basics for her own safety rather than anything else (stay, come, leave it) but I am struggling with her lack of interest. I use a peppy voice, I give a lot of affection as reward, I try using treats but after 8 min (max) she'll turn away and just look bored. I also time the training before meals when I know she's most eager. 

    I want each session to be short and sweet but just 3-5 min. even if I do it 3 times a day isn't a whole lot. She has sensitive digestion so I can't really go crazy with fun exotic treats and I have to keep what she eats simple. 

    Does anyone else have experience with an under-motivated dog? I haven't even really tried the dreaded "sit" yet because, from experience, no treat seems enticing enough to her for the effort, apparently. Help, please! :-)

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