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Everything posted by okslater

  1. Hi, thanks everyone for the responses! So, the conclusion seems to be, it depends! I think what I'll do is find some local grey trusts, and see if they have organised walks, and take her out on them. Then I can observe how she is with the other dogs, get some advice, make our situation known, and see if she builds a relationship with a potentially cat trainable greyhound who might be fine with long stints on the sofa while we are at work. Currently I can't see any rescue centre allowing us to adopt/foster straight up due to the working hours and cats. Thanks again for the advice!
  2. Hi! First time poster. I got my grey directly from the racing trainer 3.5 years ago (she's now 5) - she was a racing reject because she was so nervous and refused to leave the box. She settled in well with me, my boyfriend, and our two cats, and we've worked through a lot of her issues steadily. However, one thing we've not had much consistent success with is walks. She's a real clever girl and lies on the sofa evaluating what you are up to and wont get off the sofa unless she thinks she is going to do something fun/safe. It is difficult to walk her from our house as she is really noise sensitive and has a memory like an elephant. One speeding motorcycle or one gunshot (I'm in the countryside) or one noisy builder and she remembers that that route is no longer 'safe'. To get her on a walk I have to drive her to one of our 'safe' routes with no bad memories, and that's not practical during the week in winter as we both work monday-friday. She's much easier to walk in summer. It's the combo of cold, dark, and road noise that gets her. My question is, if we got another greyhound, maybe a calm male, would she be more likely to walk from the house? She loves other dogs, especially greys, and does seem to be very bouncy and happy around them. I don't know any greys who live nearby that I could borrow, I'm just basing this on encounters on walks. I pay for an experienced dog walker who works with our behaviourist to come round twice a week and they can't get her out at all, they just let her go to the toilet in the garden and read her books for half an hour! The other three days a week she comes to work with me, but that's about to change, so she will be at home on her own. We've set up cameras and recorded her several times and she just lolls on the sofa all day so doesn't seem to have separation anxiety. However, I feel bad as she is about to be on her own 4-5 days a week, so maybe she'd want another dog for company? Would it be cruel to get another dog when we wont be at home from 9-5 most weekdays? When we got her originally one or the other of us were always working from home but i now have to work from an office. My ideal would be walk both of them in the morning before work, get a walker for the afternoon if they want/need it, then I'm home by 5pm. Walk again in the evening. So, my questions are, do greys prefer to walk in packs and so is she likely to go on more walks (which she loves once she feels safe) if we have two, and would two dogs at home during the day minimise loneliness/boredom, or would it be cruel having another dog when we both work full time? Thanks for making it through my long and rambling post!
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