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Posts posted by 2GreyFamily

  1. Hi. I have a 9yo male greyhound named Blu. On Saturday he began to limp on his back right leg. He had a good size corn on that foot. I removed it like I have always been. I thought this would improve the limp. On Sunday he still limped, I attribute it to the fact that he had a hole in his foot. Since then the limp has gotten better and then not, improved and then there it was again. He's acting like his normal crazy self except there is a limp. He's jumping and zooming around but limps on hard floors. I have manipulated the leg and paw all the way up into the hip and I get nothing. Today I noticed that his paw is slightly swollen, the area wear there is fur right behind the digital pad. (Could I have injured the pad during corn removal? Was it not the corn that was bothering him and there was another reason for the limp?) He gives me a side eye and pulls his foot away when I poke around. He doesn't like it but nothing vocal or dramatic. What do we think? He is our third greyhound. My first baby Mumbo passed away at 9 from bone cancer. It all started with the dreaded limp. Although his limp was way more serious and he needed to be carried to the car for the vet trip. I literally get lightheaded when I think about Blu having cancer. What do we think? 

  2. We adopted Boc's Mumbo Jumbo from Greyhound Friends of NJ in February of 2014. He was 4 years old and had raced over 120 times in Florida. We stuck with the name Mumbo and we fell in love. He was so sweet and laid back. Mumbo was my baby. He developed arthritis and we attributed to his long racing career. In May of this year Mumbo was 9 years old. He was slowing down but still had so much life left. He still went for long distance walks and ate well. He got excited for treats and was still giving us zoomies. One day towards the end of the month I woke up and he wouldn't get off his bed. I had to carry him outside to pee. Knowing the high rates of Osteo in greys I was hoping and praying it was just something that would heal on its own. After a visit to the vet we found out Mumbo had bone cancer in his shoulder. We were so heartbroken. It was so so so sudden. One day he is zooming around the backyard and two days lated we are at the vet with a cancer diagnosis. We heard from them on their opinion on amputation. We decided because of Mumbo's age (almost 10) that we would not amputate. The vet sent us home with pain medication. The meds did their job for about 3 weeks. Mumbo was back to his normal self and was giddy and pleasant. However, after those 3 weeks it became clear that the medication was not enough anymore. Mumbo was hurting. It was not fair for him to be in pain. He let us know that it was time for him to leave. I slept next time on the couch and in the morning we took him to be put down. He was the sweetest baby. It has been about 5 months now but it still hurts. 

    Boc's Mumbo Jumbo 9/24/2009- 6/8/2019


  3. Does anyone else grey love being out in the cold? Our 9yo grey LOVES the cold!! We live in NJ right now it's around 25 degrees. He will beg us to let him out. After letting him lay out on the deck for 5 minutes we are begging him to come in! We often have to break out a little snack or go out and physically give him a little nudge to go in. He has always loved the cold and really enjoys the snow. I know greys have thin skin but our big guy doesn't seem to mind!

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