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Posts posted by ArrowOwner

  1. Hi, I'm a new greyhounder as well! Had mine for just under two weeks. Exact same scenario. Great at first, no issues with walks at all, but now a lot of freezing on walks and sometimes won't go out at all. She refused to go out this morning and it has now been 12 hours since she last relieved herself. I'm trying not to worry too much. I wonder if any experienced owners might suggest a general timeline of when things tend to settle in and when we might anticipate these issues starting to resolve. I know each one is different, but any insight would be great! Also, when she is wanting to skip a walk, is it best to wait and try shortly thereafter? Or better to wait till her next scheduled walk 2-3 hours later? So appreciating this forum!

  2. Great thank you!


    One more question, the one other thing i'm curious about is the couch and bed. I would be happy for my new greyhound to join me there, but right now she seems hesitant and has not jumped up. Is this something that will come over time? Or do some greyhounds just never get interested in chilling on the couch/sleeping in the bed. Happy with whichever she prefers, but just curious. Any thoughts?


    Thanks again - this forum is really helpful for a new grey owner!

  3. Thanks everybody! Today was a little better. I tried to avoid heavy traffic times,and tried some of the techniques you all mentioned. Someone said that you can sometimes lift them up a bit in the back and it will get them moving, which worked a coupla times. Overall she's doing great, only had her a few weeks and she is taking it all in. I do think the heavy traffic is intimidating for her.


    One more question, does anyone think a harness would be better with a freezing situation? I've got a martingale collar. I don't ever mean to tug her, but sometimes if she freezes and i don't notice, I end up pulling a tad before realizing she's stopped. I don't want to hurt her or have her think I'm pulling. Any thoughts on that would be much appreciated!

  4. Yes, I realize it is all very new to her, and I completely understand it will be an ongoing process. When walking with my wife and I in our quieter neighborhood, she has done just fine. I think that there are two of us and that it's quieter helps her.


    The walks weren't particularly long, maybe 20-30 min. At first, I was doing three of these a day, plus two brief bathroom outings. Maybe too much?


    She does great at home alone and doesn't seem stressed anytime other than the recent freezing.


    Also, she did have a really big play session at the dog park a few days ago with lots of running. She's been maybe a bit tired and lethargic since then?


    Thank you! All very new to us and great to have this forum to help us along!

  5. Hi Everyone,


    I am new to the forum and a brand new first time greyhound owner! My wife and I are extremely excited and love our new greyhound Arrow. She is 6, was a racer and was also mother to two litters of racing pups. We have had her about two weeks. 90% of everything is great, we are so happy! The one area that is becoming tough (besides stairs) is walking. She started off walking great, staying with us, not leading, etc. But in the last few days she has started freezing with increasing frequency and seems often not to really want to walk anywhere other than the backyard.


    There are a few factors I should mention: I have two residences due to work and every few weeks have to go back and forth between them (My wife and I work in academia; it's a pretty common situation in this field). Our dog was with us in our primary residence for the first week. Then we debated as to whether or not I should take her with me or leave her. I will be her primary caretaker and she will be staying with me 95% of the time, so we thought it best for her to go with me to bond as her primary caretaker. She did great in the car and did amazing on walks the first several days. But now the freezing has started. I've tried nudging from behind, which worked at first. I tried food, which doesn't seem to help that much. And the last few days she's really only wanted to walk around the unfenced back yard on the leash (which is pretty large), do her business and go back in. Also, I live on a main street here and the traffic can be quite busy, especially during rush hour. I'm wondering if this is scaring her off from venturing out? It wasn't an issue at all at first, but maybe something scared her? Any help would be much appreciated! I really want her to be healthy and happy!


    Thank you!

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