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Posts posted by mygreymaisie

  1. Hi all! Sorry for the late reply.


    Maisie is all black with a white spotted chest. So we realized that some of the licking she was doing was because of sores that she had. She is a little clumsy walking into her crate and knicks her paws on the slightly raised opening. We have since then covered that with hot glue to make them squishy but still closeable! :)


    I am actually not sure how to post a photo so when I figure that out, I will be sure to attach it!


    Thanks for the feedback!

  2. Hi all!

    We have had our greyhound for almost two months now and things are going great! We took her to the vet and the only issue we found was that she does have hookworms and we are on medication for that and she still has an occasional accident but way less than when we first got her.


    One thing we noticed is that her skin is looking pink and she seems to lick it a lot. Normally she has tiny little nicks on her leg/feet and she licks those occasionally but this is different as it is her whole foot or her leg and her skin looks pink.

    Any ideas? Or am I just overthinking?

  3. Greyhounds are very subtle at signalling when they need to go out for a pee and it's very easy to miss it. Has she only done it the once or is it a recurring problem?


    If you are at home with her keep an eye on her, but not staring, and if she shows signs of crouching get her outside asap and praise her when she does go.

    Clean the area with diluted biological washing powder/liquid to kill the smell and discourage her from using the same spot again.


    Remember greyhounds are sensitive animals and shouting and punishing her will make her nervous and frightened, she didn't pee in the house deliberately.


    We would never yell at her or do anything to spook her! We just clean it up and move on, we don't want to make a big deal of it. We cleaned up the area with pet stain remover and she hasn't peed in the same spot again. She also peed in her crate yesterday, so I also cleaned her crate with it as well to get rid of the scent.

    Treat her as if she is an 8 week old puppy.

    She has never had to 'ask' to be let out for potties.


    Let her out every 1/2 hour. Praise and treat when she goes.

    Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.


    Has she been to the Vet for a 'wellness' exam?

    She 'may' have a UTI.


    We have been taking her for a 15 minute walk every morning where she pees/poops, so I think she was just not on a strict schedule yet. The group we adopted her from took her to the vet and go an all clear, though we are taking her again at the end of October with a poop sample. I think she is still just getting used to our place, so hopefully it won't be reoccuring!

    Percy peed in the house a few times early on. I think for him it was mostly marking, maybe some need. He got the hang of going to stand by the back door pretty quickly. We put a bell up and taught him to ring it. He only rings it when someone doesn't notice he's standing there.


    I think for her it is just marking, her foster family told us she did that a couple of times too. And, oh that is so cool! Maybe we can teach our grey the same thing!


    I am collecting 2 rescue greys on Saturday (squeeeeee!!) And am thinking of just taking the toilet training thing as if they were both 8 week old pups. Taking them straight out into the garden as soon as they get home and throwing a party once theyve actually done a wee/poo. Then, basically letting them out every 1/2 hour and praising like mad when they go. Then an evening walk after their dinner and one lay potty break before bed. Im hoping a strict peepee schedule will minimise any accidents in the house! Good luck x


    I love the idea of throwing them a party, haha! We do give her treats after she pees/poops, and shower her with affection afterwards! I think it was because we were still in the transition phase of coming from the foster home.

    Congrats on your two greys!!!!

  4. Hi all! We just adopted a 3 year old greyhound on Monday and it all has been going well so far, until last today. She peed in the house, even after we took some hefty 15 minutes walks! Is this something that is occuring because she wants to mark her territory? Or do you think that its because she is nervous? Any tips/tricks will help! We are first time dog owners :0)


    Thank you!

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