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Posts posted by Twogirls

  1. my first, Queen, waited until they were in the yard...then off to the races

    My second, Conrad, saw them before they were in the yard then off to the races. Oh and he got 2 tree squirrels

    My third, Bisbee, well she stayed as far away as possible then bark.

    the first 2 only raced a few times the third never raced and showed up at the adoption group with a litter

    Felton, my current won 25% of his races and caught a rabbit, but we do not seem to have many squirrels 

    all but Felton got along with the cat, he thinks he is from the planet MELMACK and like A.L.F. think they are tasty  

    So I have had some that are and some that are not

  2. FELTON is our best racer, he actually won 25% of his races. Well he was SUPPOSED to be cat safe... ah not so much, like A.L.F. from the planet MELMACK, he wants to eat the cat.

    so he was off to doggie bootcamp, he returned yesterday after 3 weeks and BOY  he is great, we have an e collar and he is doing much better. the trainer has a cat and the cat gave him the cold shoulder when in the crate or out, so we have high hopes for leaving button alone. Felton did get a bunny in the bushed in his potty run, but my DW plans on dog save bunny bad plants. Button walked by when felton was crated with little reaction.   

  3. so the weeds are turning brown and getting ready to wack. Felton has a run on one side of the house. The normal action is running to the far end to look out on the street below, then run back and forth a few times then want back in. My DW asks him if he did his business? He tilts his head back and forth, then goes back and takes care of business. Well the other night he turns  RIGHT and dives into the weeds and comes up with a BUNNY. DW got him to drop it and #3 son moves him out to feed others, birds, or coyotes or others OH MY^_^:gh_run2

  4. Can't you just HEAR that dog on the commercial "I would do it myself but i've got no thumbs!"

    DW brought me lunch [she does NOT let me in th kitchen in my wheelie chair] using a pot holder that still had the thumb, [it is one that is not flat, but more like a kermit the frog hand puppet] she said it is her favorite and the ONLY way they should be made. She also HIDES it from FELTON:gh_run2

  5. So my DW puts the boy out during the day to his run. She puts him out, he runs around and when he returns, she asks "did you do your business?" He tilts his head back and forth then trots back to actually do what he needs to. Sometimes she is a tad slow on asking if he needs to go out, she knows because she finds SOMETHING he dragged into his crate. One of his favorite item are my DW's pot holders. She asked me why he only chews of the thumb part. SILLY girl because dogs do not HAVE ANY THUMBS.

  6. On 11/21/2019 at 4:50 PM, greysmom said:

    Just wait til he's digging in mud!!!! :lol:

    and thank you for that warm fuzzy thought. We just had a couple of days of "heavy" rain [ for So Cal that means an actual rain not sprinkles] this morning we go out and he runs to the pine tree and finds a nice spot with a good smell and drops a load. Followed by serious wind sprints, did l say he is faster than all my previous greys? he won 25% of his races, so after he has a nice puff of visible breath, drops and starts digging then when he hit dry, plop goes his bottom into the hole pleased as he could be


  7. my first SHINEY dog was dear ROK N CONRAD. He had three strikes male big and black.  [okay he also had 10 pages of allergies ]

    BUT  he won our hearts, loved his SHINEY coat.

     now we have FELTON JO, only 2 strikes male and black not huge [okay he was supposed to be cat friendly] still this booger has beat my dear wife into total submission 

  8. Most greys [at least mine] are not big a barking, at least AFTER they leave the kennel.

    If you wonder what gets them barking at the kennel,  that would be FELTON! l admit it is mostly at the cat....

    as we finished up our first week, he not only barks, but he also roos the the sirens on theTV. He refuses to eat anywhere BUT in his crate.

    The boy was wandering around and looked up, he was on the couch. The goal is my wife and FELTON on the couch with BUTTON the cat on the back....well some day

  9. well FELTON REFUSES to eat unless his bowl is in his crate, he spends lots of time in there with the door open ...unless button is out then door shut.

    He is doing much better walking with me. He is also our first barker, l do NOT want to his greyhound scream of death. The neighbors will drop a dime on us. :gh_run2

    He is a hard leaner when he is getting pet. It is hot so he and l go out early. so far all he has gone is sniff the yard, rabbits and squirrels and birds OH MY  :gh_bow

  10. I used to be dostacos, but could not sign in so l created a new account. my first grey was QUEEN, she had a huge tumor in the shoulder was not fixable, when she fractured through it had had to put it down, next we got CONRAD, a big black boy, his cat would actual clean his ears. He ended up with an inoperable tumor so big his quality of living was gone. The boy was a great rooer, caught TWO tree squirrels then we brought home MIGHTY EXACTA. never racer never bred, and arrived "heavy with child" as the bible would say. she delivered 8 pups and was renamed BISBEE. we only had her 7 months, 4 of which we spent trying to find out why she had swollen lymph nods. turns out liver and spleen cancer, spots on lungs and inoperable. 

    with new rules about adopting from lawsuits regarding the closing the tacts i Florida we had a long wait last night we FINALLY  picked up FELTON. he is SUPPOSED to be cat friendly well....he is a smaller black boy and button gets his undivided attention. We have visited every week for months so we are gonna work on cat friendly doggie stuff. 

    My dear wife [before marriage] NAMED all my gold fish before l could tell her they were food for my real fish. returning FELTON WILL NOT be returned. 

    now pardon me while l get some pictures  to post

  11. my need for booties is hot driveways/pavement. l know they walk funny at least for a while how soon do they get used to it? Has anyone tried making holes to allow the nails to be outside the bootie?

     l am in so cal cold and/or wet is not a problem.

  12. We found Bisbee had swollen salivary glands. 3 biopsies then a referral for a cat scan then to a surgeon.

    Treatment failure so she was going to have the gland removed. preop ultrasound found liver and spleen 

    filled with cancer. now my girl is at the rainbow bridge

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