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Posts posted by ScootersMom

  1. Miss Cynthia, glad you and the boys had a good trip.  Happy Birthday :confetti to Zorro del Galgo!  That's an intense look he is giving to that pupcake.  Charlie, I'm with you -- the older I get the more I like the cool temps.  

    Ivy, we have a week of hot temps and high humidity coming up.  I'll be in the chilly airs, too, since I only have two places to go this week -- one this afternoon and one Saturday morning.  

    Miss Elizabeth, I have not tried that.  I'm partial to Ruffles (they have ridges!) and will put them in Lil' Refer next time I have some.  

    Good news!  Lulu is found and back home!  Thank doG.  

    I'm going to pay some bills and get ready for yoga class.  Jeopardy! is not on today (soccer game) so when I get home I'll search YouTube for a recording of today's episode to watch while I eat a late lunch. 

    Have a good day!  :wave


  2. :hope for Lulu to be found and taken home safely before the sun goes down and the scary dark comes.  

    Little Ivy, I thought of pizza also!  But then I settled for a ham sammitch on a sub roll with pickles and onion and mustard and other goodies.  Oh, and potato chips which don't sound exciting except that I don't have them very often.  Enjoy your pizza bones!

  3. :wave

    Happy Father's Day!

    The neighborhood is pretty quiet today, probably because of the heat and humidity.  The temperature is over 90 degrees. the dew point is around 68 degrees, and the air quality is moderate.  It's supposed to be like that for the next week or 10 days.  Blech!

    I have no energy but there are some things that I'll have to make myself do even though I'd rather nap!  I might be turning into a houndie after all.  

    Wiki, I'm sorry that no-no-bad-dog was so aggressive to you.  That was quick thinking by Miss Jerilyn to throw the poop!  I would never have thought of that.  It always made me so angry that people with out of control unleashed dogs acted like a near-attack was my dog's fault.  

    I need to wash dishes.  Not my favorite chore, but there's a window over the sink that overlooks the birdbath.  Maybe there will be some birds braving the heat.  After that I need to figure out what to have for dinner today.  Yesterday I thought Sonic was a good idea.  I should have thought again.  The cheeseburger was good but the onion rings and lemonade not so much.  

    Have a good day, everyone!

  4. :wave

    AndiPants, those are beautimous pictures.  Love the peenk flamingoes too!!

    Oooh, Ivy!  I see toofers!!  Little white front toofers!!  So cute!

    Hot and humid over almost the whole country, the weatherpeople say.  Staying inside during the afternoon really sounds like a good idea.  I like to stand by the kitchen window and watch the birds drink and baff in the birdbaff.  They stop by on a schedule just like people.  Fun to watch.  


  5. :wave

    It's Yay!Friday.  The reason it's Yay!Friday is that I have no appointments today and no places that I have to be!

    I will be napping and reading some all day, trying to make up for the sleep I've been missing the last few days.  

    If anyone wants to take a little downtime in a cool place today, try this short story for reading:  The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman | Project Gutenberg

    Back to the reading-lying-down-place.  :wave

    • Like 1
  6. :wave

    Miss Chris and Flizzie had an exciting day!  Wonder what will happen tomorrow?  ScooterMan would dig moles up and bring them in the house.  Then he would let them go, causing me to go on a mole hunt to get them back to the outdoors.  I think he was amused by this game.  :nod

    Miss Jerilyn :grouphug   I'm sorry you had a rotten, sucky, bad, no-good day.   But I'm glad your car seat cleaned up okay.  

    My car now blows cold air!  The tech that worked on it is new there and did OK with the AC but the oil change was a challenge.  He didn't know that Saturns have a different oil filler tube, so when he sprayed the oil, it came right back out all over the engine compartment.  Wish I could have seen that.  He and the owner cleaned it all off so I didn't have burning oil and smoke all over the car.  They even cleaned my windshield inside and out -- it really needed it.  I love my auto repair place; I've been going there for 30 years!

    It's 95 degrees with a feels-like of 102 degrees.  Thunderstorms with winds of 60 - 80 mph and large hail are headed our way.  Hope they are scattered ones that miss us instead of being one strong line that hits everyone.  It's supposed to be cooler after the front moves through.  I don't have any appointments or anything tomorrow, so maybe I can rest for most of the day.  

    Have a pleasant evening my frienders.  Hope those not feeling well are doing better each day.  

  7. Good snax, Miss Jenn.  Thanks!  

    Miss O!C Nancy, I hope Sid's hematoma resolves itself quickly and completely.  Hope you can find meds to help it along.  :kiss2

    Miss Patsy, years ago I bought a pair of Bezi Bra Discs.  Amazon has them.  They aren't cheap but last forever and really cover everything.  And they don't move.  No adhesive, but they stay in place nicely in a bralette.  

    Miss Cindy, gentle nose kisses for you and Lacey to get through this quickly and safely.  Poor little baby!

    Miss Kerry, our thoughts are with you, hoping for a speedy recovery.  

    The A/C dood was here this afternoon.  He cleaned the coil and pronounced the old girl healthy and good for another year.  So that's done!  Off to the auto repair to get her AC charged up for the summer.  

    I think getting into bed with a book and a fan running sounds like a good idea.  Anything else can wait until tomorrow.  

    :hope for anyone who needs them tonight.  

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  8. :wave

    On Jeopardy today, one answer was 'the fear of speaking in a public arena'.  The question, of courses, is 'What is Glossophobia?'  I still think that's wrong.  Glossophobia should be the fear of shiny surfaces!  No?!

    I'm playing the payment-tag game with Spectrum cable.  They send out a bill that I receive around the 10th of the month.  The bill is due on the 18th.  The game is to see if it will make it across the country in time.  If not, I make a credit card payment to stay current and they have an extra payment to apply to the next bill.  What fun!

    Miss Nancy of PB, those are lovely rings.  Glad you got them, they were worth it.  

    The heat is starting to build in.  It was in the upper 60s this morning, very nice.  By noon it was 80 with humidity building in.  By Thursday we'll be in the 90s.  Like the weatherman says, this has come on quickly and we're not acclimated so we need to be careful.

    The neighbor bought a little riding lawn mower like the one I threatened to get a couple of years ago.  It's basically a 26-inch mower with a seat on top and a scooter steering system on the front.  Cute.  Except his didn't run too well.  Backfire, surging, squealing, just not a happy machine.  It did settle down a bit after a while so he might have gotten it all adjusted.  That was entertaining!

    Tomorrow, I go to the chiro and in the afternoon the AC guy is going to try to stop by and clean the condenser coils on the unit.  It's working OK and I want to keep it that way.  We have cottonwood trees down by the river that clog up the units if we don't keep after it.  Thursday I take the car in for an oil change and to recharge the AC.  I picked the hottest day of the week to do that!  I wait on it and the garage is not air-conditioned.  

    Aww . . . look at Merc enjoying noodles!  Sweet boy.

    :grouphug   Miss Kerry   :grouphug   

  9. :wave

    Miss O!C Nancy, The Grocery Store is a good book, IMO.  I think you'll like it.

    Miss Jerilyn, I got one.  The ladies are usually good about mentioning that when they hand the paper to you.  Thanks for the reminder!

    Miss Nancy of the Burgh, I hope things go well with your appointment and love that you got the rings you wanted.  

    Little Ivy, have a good sleepings, and good sleepings to Miss Kathy and Misser Jim, too.  

  10. :wave

    Thunderstorms early this morning but much cooler and not so humid.  The chilly boggs didn't come on until after lunch, and I had a window open!  

    Oh, MIss Chris, I'm sad to hear that Seize the Grey has injuries.  Hope he heals up quickly and well with good care and rest.  Such a pretty horsie!

    I went to the laundry room today and it looks like the fittings for my washer hoses are leaking where they connect to the water supply.  I don't like that!  It would be really nice if we went one whole month without seeing plumber dudes!!

    I did a big load of laundry and dried it and folded it and put it away.  For that I will pay myself a large DQ Turtle Pecan Blizzard.  And off I go!  :wave

  11. :wave

    Wiki, you take me back to many years ago.  My East Tennessee-born and raised relatives used to pronounce it 'salit' -- they are the same ones who called me 'Carl'.  I miss those accents!  And I love Al derGator!  

    :grouphug   Miss Nancy of the Burgh   :grouphug

    It's a sunny, 80 degree day here with storms maybe overnight.  Nothing severe, they say.  Hope everyone else has calmer weather going into the weekend.  

    The cable company upgraded their signal a couple of days ago and now the picture is all wonky.  My ancient TV doesn't know what to do with the new programming so I'll have to play with it some.  And, it's almost lunchtime!!


  12. :wave

    Charlie!  You are sooo hamp. . . . . (THUD)  Zorro, too.  :beatheart

    Miss Ducky, I hope AAA finally gets theirownselves together!!  

    I'm off to the kitchen to make some Chicago dogs for supper.  Yum.  :chow  After that I might unbox my new toy, a battery-powered bath brush.  I'm hoping it will make it easier to take a shower.  If I raise my arms or move them around a lot, I get short of breath and have to stop to rest.  Thought it might be worth $20 to find out.  :goodluck

  13. 2 hours ago, LBass said:

    Auntie Ann wants all concerned to know that she did warsh that lettuce well before serving. :rotfl

    Wondering if you salted the water that you used.  Mommy told me that would either kill or stun all the bugs and they would wash off and sink to the bottom of the pan.  She used to check for ladybugs and then do a salt rinse twice when she washed garden lettuce.  


    It's cloudy again today but no rain yet.  Tomorrow, they say.  I've read the paper, watched the news, and had breakfast.  Time for a Sunday morning nap, I think!


  14. :wave

    Love the pic of the horsees in the pasture!  So pretty.  

    Today is meteorological summer, the days are still getting longer.  :yay   June 22 is astronomical summer, the peak of the sun, and the days get shorter after that.  :sad1   Guess which is my favorite!

    It did not rain on us today, was just kind of gloomy and sometimes there were dark clouds.  It did get warm, in the low 80s with a little humidity.  I debated this afternoon about turning on the AC but have not done it yet.  Maybe I can get by one more day.  

    Hope everyone has a good evening, especially those who are at Mountain Hounds.  Enjoy the bear sightings!!  

  15. Miss Chris, please let us know how the housecleaning experience goes.  I would like to have cleaners come in, it's just more than I can do by myself.  

    In unrelated news, it's hot and humid here and I would like to have some ice cream!  Mommy used to make frozen custard, but that's a lot of work.  She made orange sherbet, too, and that's just as much work.  But they both sure were good.  

    • Like 1
  16. :wave

    Wiki, that's an elegant black chariot for an elegant black Houndie!  Good choice, Miss Jerilyn.

    4 hours ago, Mercsmom said:

    I'm glad to see that you did that in the correct order. :nod

    That's something of a first for me!  :hehe   I am totally in awe of you ladies who still wear dresses and skirts, etc.  The last dress I wore was at Mommy's funeral in 2003.

    Miss Lucy, it was a good day; add to it that I have people around me who are kind and willing to help with things that are hard for me to do.  Doesn't get much better, eh?

    Little Ivy PrettyEars, I'm sorry to hear that your and Cherry's sit-upon friend Duncan was taken by the Evil C.  He has found the bacon bar by now, I'm sure, and has been welcomed by all those who have gone before.  Run free, sweet boy.  

    Miss Dr. Robin, :goodluck that a different (or more) antibiotic will make that little filly all right again.  

    • Like 2
  17. 11 hours ago, BatterseaBrindl said:

    Oh my, Kathy! What a day!  Glad the problem was not too serious and you made it home without further incidents.  There’s no place like home.

    And now Ducky’s car has gone ded :(   

    Safe travels to Ducky and Vanessa.

    We’ll wait patiently for pics of Wikis new car :)

    Charlie :angry:       Sorry Misser is being miserable.

    My sentiments exactly!!

    Glad Miss Kathy, et. al., are home and recovering from their adventures.  

    Safe trip, Miss Ducky and Miss Vanessa.  

    I didn't get much rest or reading done today.  Dragged my heavy! trash can out to the curb, then went to my chiro appt.  Got to the library at noon and had pizza surprise (thin crust pepperoni) and a rousing discussion about people not understanding how freedom in society actually works.  As we were leaving, one of the ladies offered to come get the big tote bag of books I have for the free table that is too heavy for me to lift.  They followed me home and took it back to the library then brought the tote bag back to me.  We chatted for a bit before they went home.  By that time Jeopardy! was on, so no nap for me.  Maybe an early bedtime tonight and try again for a lazy resting day tomorrow!  There is no tai chi class this Saturday and I'm kind of glad about that.  :nod

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  18. Yes, I was able to save the edible food in the freezers.  I had some that had been in the bottom for a couple of years.  I opted to toss it since I didn't think it would taste good after being frozen for that long.  Everything else is back where it belongs.  The power line has been refastened to the house and the big limb has been cut up and hauled away.  At a considerable cost to myownself; the yard guy is very proud of his work and I was too tired to argue with him.  He first tried to get me to pay cash, which I won't do.  I don't even carry any cash with me these days.  So, it was check or credit, take his pick.  :gmark   Now he says he's not doing trees anymore because the sawdust and leaves and vines make him itch and he has to wear long sleeves and wah, wah, wah.  He's a whiner for sure.  :baby  Last step is to put the old food out for trash pickup tomorrow.  

    I have chiropractor tomorrow morning and philosophy group at noon (pizza!!), then I'll read in the afternoon.  

    Very glad to hear that LIam the lost greyhound is home safe!

    Hope you're on the way home, Miss Kathy.  :hope

    Glad Howie is feeling more comfortable, Miss Ducky.  

    Yay for new car for Miss Jerilyn.  

    Off to bag up the trash - - 

  19. :wave

    Thanks for the new club, AndiPants!  Lovely poem.  

    Hope everyone had a good Memorial Day weekend.  The neighbor took his generator back yesterday and I got the food that I farmed out to someone else's freezer back in its place. I'll check on it this morning to make sure the old girl (I've had her since the early 1980s) is running okay.  Still have to clean up the old food that had been frozen way too long to be good.  Trash day is tomorrow.  Yay!  The yard man checked on all his customers on Sunday and is coming by maybe today to haul away the downed limb.  He might not be the most attentive to detail, but he sure is quick to spot how to make extra money!  :rotfl:rotfl

    Supposed to be good weather until Friday, then rain for a couple of days.  The temps are supposed to be mild, maybe I won't have to turn the AC on for a while.  :nodHav

    Got a John Sandford book (Neon Prey) and a Preston & Child (The Pharaoh Key) before the storm hit.  I've started Sanford and am enjoying it.  

    Have a good day, everyone!

    PS:  Gino!  I'm with you, I don't like lamb either!!

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