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Everything posted by TheRiverClyde

  1. That's a good idea, I didn't think to reduce her walks, how stupid of me. The Epsom salts, do they help heal/sooth the paws or is it just to help draw any object out? I put the Pawz rubber boot on the paw she was limping on (the same one she had the glass stuck in) and I definitely saw a reduction in her limping.
  2. Thank you all very much again for the replies. All the advice has been helping us loads. Sooo, lots to update on now! The limping problem is due to pain in her shoulder. There was so much trading of questions and information with the vet I forgot exactly what she said it was but it was something along the lines of a strained/strethed muscle or ligament. She's on anti inflammatories for 10 days to calm it down and then the vet will review it from there and I'll keep an eye on her from home over the 10 days. The initial red spots on her paws that first had me worried have died down. Seems most likely to be bruises from the walking on hard surfaces so I've got the Musher's Secret ordered and I'm going out today to buy boots. I'm sure my dog shop does those disposable rubber boots PrairieProf suggested, so thanks for the tip. She was limping much worse last night and on inspection of her paws I found a little white head in the middle of the largest red spot I showed earlier in the photo. After about an hour of frantically reading about corns worrying over how I was going to deal with them I realised it was actually a tiny peice of glass! It had unbelievably managed to get stuck exactly in the middle of the red spot leading me to think it was a corn! 🙈 Anyways, glass shard is out, I've been applying Vaseline to her pads to sooth the cracks so hopefully with the added boots and Musher's Secret her paws will soon be better and cracking these dreaded hard pavements instead. She's also now managed to upset her stitches from her neutering op with excessive licking. So I'm off out today to buy her a head cone then start a twice a say wound cleaning routine! Man, thank goodness you all are here. Your helping make Luna healthy and happier and also helping de-stress me a whole lot! 😂 Also, I didn't realise they weren't used to walking at night. She seems fine with walking in the dark now and also fine with the torch too. She adapts to new things so quickly! They are amazing creatures these dogs!
  3. Thanks for the replies, and the picture of Blue and his deflated ball 😁. She seems to be getting happier and more excited everyday so I'm no longer worried she's bored or unhappy in my home. From what you've all been saying it could take months for her to be interested in playing which I am happy to be patient for. But if it does turn out she's just not a player then I'm fine with that too. Like you say, as long as she's happy and healthy. Thanks for the stories and advice. Its really great to hear what you've experienced with your Greys so I know what and what not to expect. It makes the early days so much easier!
  4. Wow, that's really interesting. Especially as we both live in Glasgow. I just had a look at my old Grey, Lola's details and she had a grandsire (I think I've used the correct term) called Droopys Fiona. And a few relations further back too. So I've just realised Luna and my old Lola have some relations too. Far back relations but it still almost made me burst into tears (of mostly joy) none the less. My dear Lola passed in 2015, and it still breaks my heart to think of her. So it was nice hearing about all the relations no matter how distant. I'd love to see a pic of Blaze, I'll likely end up thinking him and Luna are the spitting image!
  5. I gave her paws a wash and the marks remained. They do look like bruising and I couldn't see any punctures around the marks. There is also much smaller versions on some of her other pads showing too which makes me think it's bruising from walking on hard surfaces. I put Vaseline on her pads as they look cracked and I'm waiting for the Musher's Secret to be delivered to help make the process of getting used to hard surfaces easier. As for using the torch out while walking, I tried it once but she seemed a little scared by it and kept stopping to back away from it and looked hesitant. But I'll try it again and get her used to it as it's better than what she could possibly stand on. I'll get an LED torch, thanks for the tip GeorgeofNE. Yesterday she was lying on the couch on her left side. She turned sharply to her right to lick her back area and she yelped out in pain. As well as her paws being worn I think there may be something wrong with her shoulder or muscles around her shoulder/back area. Her skin does this strange recoil movement when I clap her there. I can't wait to we see the vet. My paranoid androidia is returning full force now. I'll keep you updated on what happens with the vet. Many many thanks again on all the support and advice.
  6. Thanks very much for all the warm welcomes, I definitely need to agree that she's a beauty 😁 LazyBlaze - Her racing name was Bramble Dusty and she's Irish too, I've had a look at her info but I find it quite hard to understand it all still. Maybe you can take a look and see if you recognise any names. That would be excellent if they were related!
  7. Ah, how lovely. That's the second person on here that's told me they had a hound called Luna. I'm sure your Luna is lovely!
  8. Hi Everyone I've already made a couple of posts and some of the advice and support has been great. I'm so happy I found this site, whoever created it is an angel and thank you to everyone who contributes. I'm Lou from Glasgow, Scotland and my Greyhound Luna is a 4 y.o female. She's my sunshine (even though her name means Moon lol). We've only been together two weeks today and already I'm absolutely in love with her. She's my baby. It feels like we've been together for years! I feel so happy to have earned her trust and love already and I continue to look forward to her growing and coming out of her shell more and more. Since I'm a doting mother now I really wanted to share her with the other Grey lovers here. Sorry for all the photos, it was hard to cut it down to this amount as it is haha. Here she is giving me her side and front profile 😊 Rocking her 80s style raincoat More interested in what's going on outside than the rugby Even a full length curtain won't deter her from using my pillows as a bed
  9. They look absolutely gorgeous. I'm so glad the two get on. It great how the two of them are spotted!
  10. Finally figured out how to post a photo. I know I've already had great advice but wanted to add the photo for refer and for anyone reading the post in the future. The mark is on the third pad from the left.
  11. Just had a look online and Musher's Secret is sold through Amazon.co.uk with delivery within 10 days so I'll be able to get it no problem in the UK.
  12. Thanks very much for helping greysmom and LazyBlaze. Me and especially Luna really appreciate it!
  13. Thanks for the replies. Yes, Luna is very new. We'll have been together two weeks tomorrow so I guess all the new walking on pavements is doing it. There isn't a huge amount of grass close where I live so maybe that's not been helping. And I'm limited to the grass I can walk on at night as so many people don't pick up their dogs poo and usually Luna or me ends up standing in it in the low light. And I also worry about not being able to see glass or other objects she could stand on. There's only a few well light grassy patches we can go to at night. So our walking surfaces aren't ideal at the moment. I'll definitely get one of these products you both mentioned. And I'll use Vaseline until it arrives. I'll get the vet to check her paws too to make sure. She doesn't even make a fuss, or lick her paws and pull to get on the grass. Shes such a wee trooper. I wish I had a huge grassy garden for her! Yay! Another Glaswegian Greyhound owner! I thought I may be the only one on here. It's nice to see someone from Glasgow although I do love seeing so many Greyhound owners from all over the world on here. I live in North West Glasgow. I got her from the Retired Greyhound Trust (West Scotland branch). I had never heard of GAL, thanks for letting me know about them. I named her Luna as I got her during the Lunar New Year so I thought it was fitting. (and I LOVE the moon 😊) If you would recommend one of the products better than the other which one would it be? Mushers Secret or Bag Balm?
  14. Thanks for all the great advice guys. I'll try the play tag and chasing at some point, thanks for the ideas Scoutsmom. Since I started this post she is already much happier. She gets excited when she knows she's going a walk now and wags her tail when I talk to her. And she's also just recently discovered the joys of the couch which she is loving! I'm happy to forget about playing as long as she is happy, content and enjoying her life with me, which I think she is now. Thanks for all your replies, some brilliant advice and shares that have been very helpful 😀
  15. Luna has been limping on and off for a week now. I've made an appointment with the vet but can't get seen until Thursday coming so she's had to persist until then. It's not a constant limp, I notice it when we're out walking sometimes and it will be on both grass or pavements. It will last a few strides then go away. Or when she's just stood up from lying down a long time she'll limp for a bit as if she is stiff. Today I was checking her paws for corns and noticed a dark red (blood coloured) circular mark on one of her pads. It's on the leg she's limping on. It also looks like there could be more coming through on her other pads. I can see two much smaller fainter versions of this large one. Anyone know what this could be? I'll be going to the vets on Thursday but do I need to make an emergency appointment or give her any home medical attention until then? Many thanks in advance. I have also taken a photo but I'm trying to figure out how to post it
  16. Yeah, she seems to like running after the ball outside but then she just walks on past it when it lands on the ground. It's a shame I can't let her off the lead where I live as she isn't great on her recall yet. I've only been able to let her off once where my Mum stays as she lives near a forestry road where there are no others dogs or roads for miles so ber recall isn't as paramount there. Maybe her fun/play time will be just chasing a ball off her lead. I'll need to work on her recall so I can trust her in the parks where I live.
  17. Haha 😂 I had to laugh at this. Who would of thought Mothers would be so expecting of our dogs. Thanks so much for all the replies. This makes me feel so much more at ease. It's good to know there is nothing to worry about and it will all come in good time. I am certainly looking forward to her continously coming out of her shell. And I'm so happy I have a greyhound owning/loving community I can chat with and come to for support. Many thanks for all your quick replies. Oh, and I'll definitely be uploading some photos of Luna. Taking photos of her is all I do now 😂
  18. I am being a paranoid android then! I'll not worry over it then as I also don't want to pressure her to play or make her feel uncomfortable. Wow, 'several years' to start to play. Hearing that makes me so happy to know there will be new surprises to come even years down the line. Thanks robinw
  19. Hi Everyone I've had Luna for 9 days now and already it feels like we have been together a lifetime. She was very nervous but already she has came along a lot and even learned how to walk up stairs! Which I am so proud of for her. I know it's still very early and she could still be adapting to her new world but I am a paranoid android and feeling a lot like a 'new Mum' who's worrying over every little thing - I was even checking through the night she was still breathing! The few things that are worrying me I might bring up in the relevant categories and also bring up with my vet when we have our first appointment. I've also been reading past posts and they've been helpful in answering some of my other queries (such as her initial fear turned aggression to other breeds and her almost very very few bowel and bladder movements). I think she may also have a slight limp which I'll bring up to the vet - I've checked her paws and moved my hands over her legs and shoulders trying to locate pain or a cause but have found nothing. What's been worrying me though that I haven't found posted already is her lack of interest in playing. Is it possible to have a dog that doesn't like to play? She's only 4 and a half so I assumed that isn't too old to want to play. I've tried different toys, soft cuddly toys, soft squeaky toys, rubber squeaky toys, soft small balls for catch, but none of these spark her interest. I tried to throw the ball when we were out a walk and she would run after it but then watch it land then walk off totally forgetting about it, and she seemed to get less interested in the ball the more I threw it. I've tried getting on the ground and doing the 'acting like a dog wanting to play' thing were I run my hands along the floor and touch their face a little to let them bite and chase my hands - but still nothing. I've used the excited voice when introducing and playing with toys too. She watches me while I'm doing all this and her ears will be up for a while but I get no other reaction or involvement. Once I was trying to spark her interest in a soft cuddly toy by throwing it into the hall to see if she would chase it, I would go and get it when she didn't move to get it herself and bring it back and then try and throw it again into the hall but again she didn't move. But after when I gave up and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth I heard movement in the hall, I poked my head out to see what it was and to my amazement Luna and the soft toy were in her bed. She went and picked it up and put it in her bed! But without me looking or being in the room. If she is just a dog who doesn't like to play I'll get over it, even though I wish she would as I LOVE playing with dogs but I'll be happy to settle for just her. But I don't want her getting bored and not getting enough mental stimulation. She does like her Kong toy but that's because it stuffed with food and I'm limited to what I can do with a Kong toy, that along might not be enough and she might bore of it after a while of only having one toy. My Mum commented that she just seems to lie on her bed all the time. She does follow me from room to room a lot but once she's followed me into whatever room I've entered she will just plank herself in her bed or on the carpet. She doesn't come up on the couch or close in for any cuddles either. She seems like a very uninterested dog. Sometimes when I'm walking her she trails behind me at the most bored speed I've seen like she is more 94 and a half years old than 4 and a half. I'm sorry for the long text, I'm just worried she's depressed, or bored or I'm doing it all wrong. Any advice on what I could try or what I'm doing wrong would be so helpful. I'd think she didn't like living with me if it wasn't for her following whenever leave the room to go into another. And she does wag her tail loads when I come back home after leaving her a little while. I just want my Luna to be happy and healthy and enjoy her new home life. (and I'd also selfishly really really like her to want to play)
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