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Posts posted by cristar

  1. Oh no Jey...

    I'm so sorry for you and Grammy. It seems like she just came to live

    with you.

    So many years have passed since my posting of a little sweetheart we had

    in our group and you were so much help to me. I will never forget it.

    Bless you for all the love you've given your pups over the years and the

    wonderful home they had with you and Grammy.

    Your sweet one will be at your side forever, watching over you both now.

    So sorry for yet another heartbreak.


  2. This is truly a sad time for all Greytalkers. Rocket has been a staple for so long it's like everyone

    on here knew him personally. So sorry for you and everyone that loved him.

    Rest well sweet boy. You had a good, long life and your people will miss you forever, as will

    all of us that were always entertained by your antics.

    Sad, sad time :(

  3. Yes, she was very anxious and vocal during her clinic stay. She was there for 12 hours.

    And yes, there is mucous in the discharge too, although it is starting to taper off a little. Changing

    from bright red to dark brown.

    She was dry all day today and we just got in from our nightly walk - now a little seepage

    has started in again.

    Thank you for the article.

  4. Two years ago our girl had to have an anal gland removed. She came through the surgery well but developed a lot of bruising on her back end. About 3 days later she started passing blood through her urine. That lasted a couple days and was gone.

    Two weeks ago she went in to have 6 hemangiosarcoma spots removed and her whole abdomen turned dark purple. Again, about 4 days later the bruising started going away but the blood in her urine showed up again. As of now it's starting to taper off, very slowly. One day she's fine with no spotting but it seems if we go for a long walk, the next day the spots show up again. If we don't walk, she stays dry with no spotting at all.


    My vet thinks she needs tests run again. I'm thinking it has something to do with getting rid of old blood that isn't being re-absorbed.

    She's been on cephalexin for 8 days and has 6 days to go. It just seems odd to me that this only happens when parts of her body are badly bruised.


    Anybody ever had this happen to their grey?

  5. Our first girl was on a high dose of pred. because of her IBD.

    She weighed 59 lbs. when she started on it and within a couple months, she had gotten down

    to 42. Muscle wasting. Dry, thinning hair. Just not good.

    We were able to taper down the dosage and she started to level out and gain some weight back.

    That, plus her eating a ton of home cooking helped.

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