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Posts posted by MachosMom

  1. Yup!! My vet is open 7 days a week including holidays. She rotates with another vet but she herself loves greyhounds and has had several herself. She sits down on the floor with them and everything :)


    I am so glad for that and for the good news! Such a relief!!!


    THANK YOU everyone for your support and positive energy- Moonbeam is sacked out on the couch right now.

  2. Some of you remember Macho... And how at 5 and just under having him a full year he left us for the Rainbow Bridge due to osteo.


    On his gotcha day we adopted his half sister- Ninos Full Moon - aka Moonbeam. We took a gamble.


    This time last year Macho was limping. Now... It is Moonbeam. No fall that we saw, or other trauma that we know of- though this girl won't even wimper if she cuts her toe on a bush.


    Obviously we are fearing the worst. Having gone through it last year it is just hitting too close to home.


    We have an apt with the vet tomorrow at 9:45am (eastern time). I doubt we will know for sure until Monday when radiology looks closer at the xray- but I am fearing that we are about to head down this path again way too soon. Watching her walk and favor the leg even though I cant FEEL or SEE any tumor- still just tearing me up. I hope and pray I am wrong and it is something else. Something simple.


    Prayers and positive thoughts would be welcome.

  3. Hi everyone!

    I know this seems like a silly comparison, but I am asking anyway!


    My friend's greyhound, Jasper, who is almost 3 had a weird episode today. Apparently he was standing still and his eyes were half closed, almost like rolling back. His mom went to check him and he ran from her. Eventually she got to him and rubbed his face and he rubbed his head back. She talked to him and asked if he wanted to go outside. He jumped up and went outside. He is currently playing with a bone but she says his eyes keep closing.


    Apparently this happened last year once and the vet told her it was just allergies and to give him a Benadryl.


    I wanted to check with you guys and get some thoughts. Could it be allergies? Is it a small seizure? Something else we should check for?


    Thanks all so very much in advance!

  4. Finally getting time to check in here on everyone. ***Hugs to all*** I am sorry to hear about Gia. I know Macho was probably one of the first in line to greet her.


    Hope Ben is having a good day. Everyone here has already laid out more than I could advise wise.


    Jenbush123 - I can't even fathom that. It's a constant what if in the back of my head with our two girls. One who is related to Macho. Three so close together is mind blowing to me.Sending you strength as well.

  5. Today you would be 6. My sweet, big boy. Everyone who met you fell in love with you. It was impossible not to. This big brindle boy. So gentle, so calm.


    I immediately put in the application for you so no one else could grab you. Although you had been up for adoption for a month unbeknownst to me. Apparently people thought at 80 pounds you were too big and that you were too goofy. There is no such thing on either account.


    You turned 5 with us. We met the Tampa Bay Lightning girls, we went to parks.


    Then osteo struck. Our world crashed. We were praying to make to our one year gotcha day at least, and we almost did. Almost. Osteo could not even give us that.


    We told you from diagnosis what was going on, and that if you were ready to go to let us know. A couple weeks before your gotcha day my partner and I both got the message from you separately that you wanted to move on. So, we did as you asked and said our goodbyes. Stupid osteo.


    I miss you. I have your half sister and another girl now, but they are not you. No one can be you. There will only ever be one Macho. Happy sixth birthday big man. We love you and will be celebrating you today with the girls. You live on in us everyday.

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