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Posts posted by MachosMom

  1. Amicar (aminocaproic acid) is in short supply nationwide. The new manufacturer refuses to sell it as a generic anymore although some pharmacies may still have it. Full price runs $500-650 for a 5 day supply. After dealing with this issue with Percy, Dr Couto suggested Tranexamic Acid ($35). It's used to control heavy menstral bleeding in women and a vet normally not have it. A compounding pharmacy had to order it for me. Only comes in a 650mg pill which Dr C said was OK for a 70 lb greyhound. PL me if you have questions.


    You may see more bruising in your dogs as that blood gravitates to the lower parts. Eventually it gets reabsorbed.

    Thank you! I found your thread about this too. Much appreciated. I think I may leave a message for her about this. I am very worried that when they unwrap her leg tonight that she will start bleeding again within the hour.

  2. Thank you greysmom and 3greytjoys.


    Our vet did run a clotting factor when she started bleeding at their office after they called us. The vet said it was low but not low enough to not clot and that she clotted fine on the other leg. I will mention the aminocaproic acid though just in case.


    We have taken two hour shifts through the night. She is sleeping. We have some bruising showing now and I am watching this one spot where we can see some blood but I am not 100% that it isn't perviously there but watching closely before my partner gets up to take over. So far we are holding steady but we are definitely not out of the woods by any means.


    Thank you all for the prayers and white light. It means a lot and Keiva says thank you too as does Hattie (who has minor owwies and is just sore in general)

  3. Glad I got to the bottom of the page for the update. Wishing them both a full and speedy recovery.

    So sorry! I still have no idea how to edit that to say there is an update.



    Speaking of... I can't post a picture but Keiva started bleeding after they had called us. So she now has a bandage all the up past her elbow. She can't bend the leg.we go back tomorrow to unwrap it and see what happens...assuming we don't swell tonight. She is in a lot of pain and just breaks my heart.


    Hattie is sore but otherwise no serious wounds.


    Jimmy is on antibiotics because he popped his stitches and was starting an infection.


    I am so worn out from this and how the rest of my day went, I am ready to curl up under a rock and not come out ever!

  4. Update! ( and I still can't figure out how to edit my original post! Oi vey!)


    Vet just called. Surgery was NOT NEEDED!!!! once they got the blood to stop, it was all mostly superficial. Only a few sutures needed. Both girls are good and will come home this evening. The pooling was from the wrap my partner used to put pressure on...but no concerns internally. Yay!


    But they both will be fine so that is what matters. Some antibiotics to fight off cooties from the cat and rest. PHEW!

  5. So today was a bad day that got worse and I am freaking out right now so apologies for bad grammar, etc.


    I get a call from my partner at 1pm. I missed it because I was wading thru people at work. She calls again. No bueno. We only call back to back in emergencies.


    She immediately tells me I need to come home kids are hurt. All I can get out is that our one cat got out into the yard from their enclosed home area and the dogs found him. He..is fine. The dogs? Well Jimmy and Moonbeam are, Tista too.


    Then she calls right back...please call the vet and tell them I am on the way with Keiva and Hattie. Can't get Keiva to stop bleeding. Ok..meet you there.


    Get there finally (ever notice how much traffic sucks in an emergency?). Yep. Keiva is bad. Vet was just looking at her as I walked in. Seem to think an artery was cut and we are bleeding into our arm and chest. I can see my mama girl starting to go into shock. Surgery he says. Go home...we will call you. They give Hattie and Keiva antibiotic injections. And take them back. They will look at Hattie after they get Keiva sorted. First things first.


    Jimmy has a 545 appt to check his incision from his neuter as it looks weird. So we may not know until we get there in 2.5 hours.


    I am so scared for my kiddos. Please send prayers, white light, anything. I can't loose my mama girl or my baby girl but the mama is worse :(


    Thanks all. Im going to go try and do something to pass the time. Feeling so hopeless right now.

  6. Hi everyone! Happy New Year!


    First - background:

    Keiva is 7 and will make her first gotcha day with us next Thursday! ( :beatheart ) We are her only forever home as we got her right from her owners when her broodie days were over. She will be 8 the week after next!

    Our other two have been with us 2 years. Moonbeam is 5. Hattie is 3 and a half.

    She has always been a marker on walks (much like Moonbeam is), and has been known to mark in the vet's office on occasion. Well, now we're adding some new twists and I am not sure what to do as this is new territory for me. So... help!


    Last weekend I had all three girls out in the backyard playing (all three are muzzled for safety). In a moment of break in the running, Keiva jumps on Moonbeam and starts gettin down. Moonbeam was too shocked to do anything but I pulled Keiva off of her immediately anyway. (our shepard mix tried that with Moonbeam ONCE, and she immediately let him know that was not acceptable).


    Today, my partner had them out in the yard again. This time Keiva jumps on Hattie and starts gettin down. After my partner pulled her off, Keiva decided to go pee in the hole that all 3 girls were digging. What's interesting here is that Hattie is NOT a dominant girl. She will whine and gripe if you get in her space and she's cranky, but she is the baby and likes to please everyone.


    Lastly, if we go to a friend's house with her, she will mark even if we make sure she pees before going inside. Mortifying even when it's another greyhound owner who understands. So now I don't know how to help with that so I can take her to more places?


    It's nothing major right now, but as I have not been in this situation before, I want to make sure that I know what I should be doing, not doing, looking for, or just shrug and move on.


    If you need more info on anything about them, let me know. :)


  7. :lol

    Add Moonbeam and Keiva to this club. Moonbeam on walks or in the backyard. Keiva...anywhere she can she will pop a fast squat and mark. If a dog has just walked thru our vet's office, she will mark there too. I swear she always has pee on reserve just in case!


    Hattie meanwhile? She could careless who has peed where or when.

  8. Sending prayers!!!! :hope boy, you've had about as good luck with your two pups as we did with our first two (medically) :( :( :(

    I know!!!!!




    Vet office just called.. surgery was delayed - since they are removing a screw from her leg as well, they needed one special piece of equipment and had to get it into the office and sterilized. They gave us the option of postponing surgery to tomorrow OR doing now and allowing Keiva to stay overnight. Hated either option, but since she's already there and sedated, letting them do the surgery now. THey will give us a call when it's done to let us know how it went, and will check in the AM and get her midmorning should all go well. OMG this is so stressful!!! I miss my Keiva! She has to come through this, just has to!

  9. Hello!

    Keiva is at the vets for surgery as I type (I needed a distraction).

    Her injured leg from racing was causing her pain and she cut her leg open from the licking and such..so blood was everywhere.

    Off to the vet and I had to rush from work.

    She is having that repaired and the screw from that area taken out as its moving around as is.


    Please send good vibes... I am so worried and hope she comes thru fine.

  10. We just started Keiva on Fresh Factors by Springtime. Also their one joint complex. It is working wonders with her energy, taking away pain days from beginning arthritis, etc.

    She has been super duper silly lately, more than usual! I love this stuff, she even eats it without needing me to hide it in something.

  11. I think we got ours from GEM.. We did a muzzle with poo guard order and they put it together for us lol. If I ever find poo stickers I'm putting them all over her muzzle ;)


    I know brocks greyhound supply will do poo guards and you can custom your muzzle colors..we have them as well as our outside get dirty muzzles. Hattie's is purple with black straps.. So purty! We use them in the car so no one has issues or at home if someone is in a chewing mood before we leave. They are on facebook, great prices and Angela is a doll.. Awesome service

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