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Posts posted by BellaBean

  1. I tried the skin and coat oil for the first time as a free product with my fresh factors and joint health. It works really well for itchy or flaky skin. My black boy has always had constant dandruff and no oils or supplements worked to get rid of it completely. Coconut oil did the best, but it was still there. The skin and coat oil got rid if it completely! I just ordered another round this time.

  2. I have a new girl that I am tentatively "waiting" on. Her name is MM's Good Girl and she just started racing at Bluff's Run. Her owner is Melissa Schmidt and is awesome about letting me know what is going on with her. She thinks that she might need some longer distances so I'm excited to see how she continues to do. She has had a couple of rough goes and seems to be a fighter!

  3. It really depends on the dog. I used Trifexis for years with all of my dogs with no issues. My lab has a very sensitive stomach and after about 3 years taking it he started to throw it up even taking it with food. I switched everyone to sentinel after that just because it's easier to buy one product in bulk for the rebates. With it being a heartworm med I personally wouldn't risk splitting the dosage, but that's me. Hopefully you can get through to the company soon. I called them when he first started having issues and remember getting through to a person so hopefully it's just a fluke.

  4. I talked to a woman at Olewo USA for about an hour yesterday. She is going to put a article on the website about how the greyhounds are discovering the Olewo products and how they are helping so many hounds. She said that even if you feed a very high quality dog kibble with the best ingrediants they are all processed the same and the heat process destroys a lot of the good stuff in the ingrediants. So many companies add man made vitamins and minerals and they are never as good as what comes naturally in food. She said to add the carrots and beets daily to their food (I feed mine separate since I free feed. Just add warm water, coconut oil and let it soak. My hounds love it).The carrots help soothe the digestive system and calms it.I think I bought a two pound bag of the carrots and one pound of the beets.

    That is awesome! I'm so glad that others have found that it helps their hounds! I still haven't tried the beets.

  5. Just checked my 11 lb bag I bought last month and the "best by" date is 12-15-15, so you should be in good shape if you order that for your one dog.


    I give mine 1 1/2 tbsp per day. I also add 1 cup of water and a tablespoon of coconut oil (they got the daily before I ever started the carrots) with them as per the directions. It seems to help keep all the poos firm and my lab isn't as itchy as he usually is this time of year.

  6. I have been using the carrots with coconut oil. I use about a tablespoon in the evenings with a teaspoon of oil. I make it on the spot. My guys get excited, but they can wait 10 minutes for it to soak up in the bowl. I haven't noticed more frequent out put, but my boy who has always had very soft stool now has nice firm ones every time! It's the little things ;)

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