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Posts posted by revamp

  1. For everyone who is looking for new food, I just thought I'd mention that my dogs do very well on Flint River Ranch "Fish and Chips" (Trout and Sweet Potato). You can order online at http://www.frrco.com Unfortunately, you probably can't buy it local.


    I moved to FRR during the first large pet food recall a number of years ago in my search to find a good quality food that I could be assured would always ALWAYS be safe to eat. (would love to go raw, but I dont even prepare my own food...lol)

  2. does it seem to bother him any?


    If it's well-healed, I'm not sure there's much you can do. Hair won't grow on scar tissue and as long as it's healed there's not much to gain from putting topicals on it. I know the scar pains you (and all of us), but I bet he doesn't even know it's there. What a handsome, lucky boy who has found his home with you. :)

  3. Yeah...the breathing scares me. I'm judging it based on how well she sleeps, last week on Wednesday before we knew it was cancer and thought it was just a reaction to the medicine, she had a really bad night where she couldn't get comfortable or sleep. I've told myself that if we have 2 nights like that in a row I'm letting her go. It's so hard because it finally got so nice here and she's such a sun-dog. I really want even a few days of her in the back yard getting a sun-tan belly. She still seems really happy but has slipped fast. So hard :(


    You know her better than anyone...and a little discomfort is a whole lot different than panic. I hope you are able to share some warm sunny days with her soon.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear this upsetting news.


    One thing I would like to mention is that my wife is a nurse, and she frequently mentions that her end-of-life patients who are DNR and refuse medications or treatments (or even food at times) nearly always change their mind if their breathing is affected. She says the fear and panic (for people) of not being able to breathe or feeling like even if you are breathing that you are suffocating is enough to immediately change the minds of those who previously stated they didn't want any medical intervention. I couldn't help but recall these conversations when you mentioned your dear girl has had issues breathing.



  5. I have the same problem! I adopted Rocky a little over 2 months ago, and for the first two months he slept through the night perfectly every night. Starting two weeks ago, he starting barking to get up between 3-4a. Like above, when he first did it I assumed he needed to go out. After a few days in a row of this, I decided to ignore him, which resulted in him peeing in his crate. So now I get up every time, but now he's getting up between 2-3 AND AGAIN between 5-6 (normal bedtime is 10 and wake up is 6:30.


    I don't know what his deal is, but half the time that I get up with him he just wants fed or attention and has little to no interest in going outside. When he peed in his crate I swear it was out of spite (even though I know dogs aren't supposed to have emotions and intentions like that). I haven't had a solid night's sleep in 3 weeks.

  6. I'd love to be able to post pics of my first grey Rocky, who is straight off the track snuggling with my two cats but unfortunately that's not possible....because he is afraid of the cats and won't get within a few feet of one if he can avoid it. They sometimes come to a truce of sorts when sharing a sunbeam, though.


    Please don't give up your plans for adoption--somewhere there is a dog waiting to be welcomed into your home.


    I'm also sorry that Chad took out some of his baggage/issues with other adopters out on you. It was uncalled for and inappropriate for this situation.


    Take some time to heal from this stressful and painful situation, but then I urge you to still be open to meeting the right hound--there are so many of them!

  7. See, every single time I consider changing to a less expensive, more easily obtainable food for my dogs I hear a report like this. This just reinforces my decision to feed Flint River Ranch food and it will be what I stick with due to their extremely controlled ingredient sources, etc. For those interested the main company site is http://www.frrco.com

  8. Wow, it sounds like I should have coordinated some sort of commission on those wheeled stretchers!




    I'm glad that the company has turned out really decent because I found that site through a google search and have no personal experience with the product or the company.

  9. You need to be willing to sacrifice one or possibly two nights of sleep (and usually a bossy dog is rarely dramatic enough to keep barking past a couple hours at most) in order to have a future of restful, uninterrupted nights ahead of you.


    Pick your path.

  10. Jack was like that-- DBF nicknamed him 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. He was well under racing weight and very bony. Some Scottish greyhound folks told me that feeding carbs, like cooked potatoes and whole wheat pasta, would help him put on weight, and it definitely did. It seems to do more than the usual high-protein hound chow.


    If i don't see a significant improvement at the next weigh-in, I'll give the carbs a shot for sure. Thanks for the advice!

  11. I got my dog ~6 weeks ago and he weighed 68lbs, with a racing weight listed at 75lbs. I am hoping to get him to 75-80lbs and was feeding him 2c of Flint River Ranch Trout and Potato twice daily (with some yogurt added in the evening). After 4 weeks I took him in to be weighed and he LOST a pound (67lbs). So for the last two weeks I've been feeding him 3c twice a day and I'll take him back in for a weight in another week or so to see how he's doing. His poops are well formed and only 2-3 times a day so he seems to be absorbing everything okay. He is negative for parasites. I do wet his food after I saw it recommended and it has completely eliminated his occasional hacking up of kibbles while eating.


    I'm hoping to be able to put some weight on him then back off on the food to a maintenance amount, because his appetite is currently costing me an arm and a leg.

  12. I used to work at a vet hospital and in answer to this thread went online to look for the kind of dog stretchers we used at the hospital to move large dogs. They were pvc-ish frames with tightly-woven nylon webbing and came with tie-down straps. Well, in a quick search I found this:


    http://www.bellaspainrelief.com/dog-stretcher-2471-prd1.htm which looks even better. (stretcher with wheels--think rolling luggage.


    You might still have to come up with a ramp strategy to deal with any stairs or getting into the car, but this looks like quite a nifty tool.



    Wow - Timmy will have a wonderful home if he goes to be with his brother! (Kim will have her hands full!) And the best part is that we get the twin brothers at our Meet 'n Greets.




    He's coming to Chicagoland?? Cool!


    And by the bye...am I the only one who hears TIMMAY!!! every time I see the name "timmy"?




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