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Posts posted by Mike516

  1. Brooks Leatherworks will be giving away a free 1 inch martingale collar on Facebook. Greytalk is the only place this give-away will be posted.


    To enter, go to Brooks Leatherworks on Facebook. "Like" my page and share the post that says "Greyhound Give-away!" And, don't forget to comment on the post.

    That's it... you're entered.




    On Monday evening September 9th, if I have reached 200 page Likes, I will use a random number generator to pick a winner.


    Shipping is also free, so there will be no out of pocket cost for the winner and you do NOT have to buy anything to win.


    Not on Facebook? Not to worry. I will be giving away more collars on Greytalk, so everyone will have a chance.


    You can see the full line of products I have so far by visiting my Etsy shop at brooksleatherworks.com.


    Thank you for looking and good luck!!!


    Winner will receive one collar. They will get to choose any 1 inch embossed regular or martingale collar I have in my shop. This collar will be made in the size, pattern and color specified by the winner. You can go to my shop and see all the designs there. The picture posted is for an example, and is not the only pattern available.

  2. Brooks Leatherworks ( www.brooksleatherworks.com ) is a small one man run operation. I specialize in dog collars and make everything myself, by hand, from scratch out of top grade, 100% natural leather, and I only use eco-friendly stains and finishes.


    I don't make any pet products I wouldn't let my own Greyhounds or cats wear, nor human products that I myself wouldn't wear or use.


    I am constantly adding new products, so check back often.


    I often donate collars to endeavors to raise money for charity, but only Greyhound 501©(3) organizations. So if you are looking for a donation, please have someone from your organization contact me.


    I am also looking into ways to do giveaways to get my products out there so people can see the quality and get word of mouth going. Stay tuned for that as I work out the logistics.


    Thank you for looking, and be sure to check us out on Facebook. I will never ask anyone to like or share anything I post. But I would always and forever be gray-tefull :)




  3. Sometimes the truth is a hard pill to swallow. Not trying to make friends here, just looking out for the interest of your hound. Which you ARE putting at risk if you do not follow the doctors advise and restrict all activity, yes that means a crate.




    I think you made your point. No need to press the issue. She's just looking for advice, no need to be so nasty. It's answers like this that stop me from asking for advice here sometimes.


    I hope Remy feels better soon.

  4. When we got Ginger, I felt so lucky to have found such a sweet and wonderful dog.


    Then we found Fred, and I'm thinking I must have done something really wonderful somewhere down the line to deserve the two of them.


    Now if we could teach them to sing and dance...

  5. Well, not so good. It's about 10 minutes from my last post and she just peed on the carpet again.


    It's in the same bedroom she sleeps in so I would think it'd be the least likely place she'd go.


    She didn't pee on the floor last night, she slept through the night. She didn't pee in her crate all day. My wife came home at lunch and she didn't pee when she took her outside (twice). So she basically went almost 9 hours without going. Then she pee's on her walk at 5:30, again when I ran her around the yard about 7ish and then pees on the carpet at 8:30?


    And she knew she was in trouble because she looked at me with that I'm in trouble look. I always thought they were mostly house broken so it's kind of the last thing I was expecting to have to deal with. And we haven't had a problem in 2 months. Not sure what to do but this isn't good.



  6. The house heat is set to 68. If she's still too cold we have jammies for her.


    I don't know about a UTI. I can ask the vet if she keeps doing it.


    Maybe if it's not a side effect of the drug, it's that she just doesn't feel well. If she's sick, it could make her do things she wouldn't normally do maybe.

  7. He gave us 5 days.


    Ok, more info:


    We caught her squatting early yesterday morning and we grabbed her and put her in the yard where she did like 3 zooms then peed straight away, came back in and went back to bed.


    We're not sure when she peed on the carpet but we had to have been home and just missed it yesterday evening.


    This morning I let her out as soon as I got up and she ran to her spot and peed which is completely out of character. She normally will refuse to do anything before breakfast even if we go for a walk. If I try and walk her first, she won't pee or poop and I'll have to go home, feed her then take her back out at which time her royal heinyness will pee and poop like a champ.


    I hate to think the peeing is behavioral, but I suppose 2 months is too short a time to know our dogs' behaviors yet.


    We'll just have to wait and see what happens. I'll be really disappointed if it is a behavior issue though :( Not my dog! She's such a good girl...or so I thought.


    Edit: also her diarrhea is basically under control at the moment so not sure about the drinking more water thing but she does seem to have to pee more.

  8. Hello. After Ginger's last bout with the big D, some of the advice we got mentioned asking our vet about trying Panacur since fecal tests can bring back false negatives and all that.


    So I had a couple questions for anyone that has had their hounds on this med.


    First of all, she seems a little lethargic for a few hours after we give it to her. Not like passing out unresponsive, just a little like, "hey leave me alone I don't wanna go out and pee, I wanna sleep some more". Once we get her up she's happy to go out, as usual.


    Second, we thought she was completely house broken because she hasn't done her business in the house in the 2 months we've had her except when she was sick in her crate. But when we're home she'd always bark or whine to go out.


    I've looked for other threads on this and one or two mentioned pooping accidents but not peeing accidents. Yesterday evening she peed on the carpet in one of the bedrooms. That's not like her at all, so I wondered if it could be the medication?



  9. She sometimes digs at her bed until it's bunched up and one time until it was turned a quarter of a turn which must have taken a while since it's pretty much jammed in there and there isn't much room for it to move.


    Other than that, the crate will slide across the hardwood floors some (I assume it's from her digging at the bed) and water will spill, but so far nothing too bad (knock wood).


    She knows when it's time to go in and resists, and sometimes tries to run upstairs, but once we get her moving in the right direction she'll usually go in without much trouble.


    I try to mix things up so she doesn't associate any one thing with going in the crate for the day but she knows anyway.


    It's actually kind of mysterious unless she understands english because if we're not leaving she stays downstairs and hangs out with us. If we're going to be leaving at some point, she goes upstairs and gets into bed and pretends she's sleeping. She does this even before we start getting ready so it's not our preparation that is tipping her off.


    It probably sounds like I'm nuts but she knows. And I've tried to think of anything that might tip her off so I don't do those when we're leaving and actually try and do some of the things I think might be tip offs when we're staying, but she always seems to know when we're leaving and when we're not. It's weird.

  10. Ginger is currently alone in her crate from 8:30am until about 5:15pm unless I can shoot home and let her out for a little bit on my lunch hour, and although she's not thrilled to be alone, she doesn't mind the crate at all. She goes nuts when we get home, it's really cool how happy she gets, but then while we're eating dinner she sometimes goes and lays in her crate with the door open.


    As far as I know, they are used to the crates from being at the track, it's being alone they don't really like. And that is definitely the case with Ginger. We tried leaving her out thinking it was the crate she didn't like but she caused some minor damage and we realized the dangers of her hurting herself or one of the cats outweighed her uncomfortableness being alone all day.


    I agree with the other posters that he'll be fine.

  11. 7am when I wake up and 5:30 pm when my wife gets home. 2 cups each feeding of prescription food from the vet with warm water mixed in due to similar issues to Annie Bella.


    A couple of prescription treats here and there, maybe a duck treat once in a while if she's been really good (which is pretty much always), a hard boiled egg about once a week and a milk bone about an hour or two before bed to hold her over for the night although it doesn't seem to help because she's always starving if you ask her.


    If she stayed at the weight she is, I wouldn't complain although I still thinks a couple of pounds would do her good.


    On leaving food in a rush; we can't leave her food because she'd eat everything and anything so we have to measure hers out. As I said a couple of pounds wouldn't hurt but I think she'd eat till she yacked if we left it up to her :)

  12. Ginger is back on the prescription Iams and is doing well on it. Even had a big road trip for Thanksgiving and got spoiled by her grandparents and is better than on anything else to this point.


    Most of the treats she gets don't seem to effect her, and the ones that do are gone.


    I'll keep her on the prescription and be happy about it if it keeps her regular and healthy.


    May still try the Iams green bag or kirkland brand but haven't decided yet.

  13. I'm not an expert, but there are so many opinions is anybody an expert?


    Common sense tells me that taking a walk so Ginger can find her place to P&P is not exercise to an extreme. If she's gotta go, she's gotta go. If you took her to a dog park and let her run zoomies for 15 minutes, that, IMO, would be extreme exercise if indeed extreme exercise is a negative thing soon after eating.


    I totally agree. I actually specifically point out that it's just walking, not strenuous excersize, but I have read some people claim walks should wait an hour as well as excersize. That's basically my question.

  14. I originally posted this in someone else's thread, but I realized it's different enough that I'd kind of be sidetracking the other person's question.


    So I have heard so many different opinions of when to walk the dog before or after feeding time.


    I'm not talking excersize, I'm talking walking/trotting, no running at all.


    Some people say it only matters if they run themselves to panting/gulping air.


    Some say, no "strenuous" excersize, however you measure that if it's different than the first one.


    Others say not to even walk them before or after they eat for an hour.


    In the morning Ginger will not pee or poop until after she eats, and when I say will not, I mean she will not do it no matter how long I walk her.


    So she eats first then we go for a walk 5 to 10 minutes later.


    At night she likes to go for a walk FIRST, go figure, then comes in and eats about 10 minutes or so later.


    She seems to be doing fine, but I do wonder if she's eating too close to walk times (the walks are not strenuous excersize, just a few blocks walking/trotting).


    The kennel said walks are fine before and after eating, but there's so many different opinions, is there anyone who can say definitively?


    Having to wait an hour in the morning is going to be a problem because if she eats first, I can't imagine she'd be happy, or be able to wait an hour to pee or poop.


    Did I mention she refuses to do anything, including walk, before she eats in the morning :)?


    Thanks for any input/advice.

  15. Summit stretches in both directions (front and back) at least once every time he gets up from a nap... sometimes even just to change positions. He stretches many times a day as a result. :rolleyes: Oh yeah, and sometimes he lets one rip while he's stretching. :blink:


    LMAO! Thank you. I'm glad no one was in my office when I read that and I had just swallowed my coffee!


    Annie Bella always stretches when she wakes from a long nap, just as we humans stretch to release the tension in our muscles. And the shaking.. cracks me up. It's almost violent, with hair flying and tail flopping around. Yah, she loves to shake and "get it all out" whatever "it" is.


    Ginger stretches a lot, I figured it was normal but until someone said it it never occurred to me that she does do it usually after an "event".


    And the shaking cracks me up also. It is usually just a normal shake but if she's excited it can be so violent she almost knocks herself down, she looks like a cartoon with her tail flopping and a foot flapping.

  16. I'm not sure either, I'll have to make a mental note next time she does it.


    Some good advice how to teach her down or sit. We're having trouble teaching her sit but want to do both eventually.


    But speaking of "bowing", we recently turned around a big floor mirror we had in the bedroom that we had turned away so Ginger wouldn't freak out. So, she looks at herself and keeps bowing, front down back up, walks away, comes back and bows again, over and over. What's she doing? Is she mental? It looks like a greeting?

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