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Posts posted by cozmicdog

  1. I'm friends with a local Petsmart trainer who is very dedicated to the profession. I asked her if she could do a greyhounds-only class for me and a few adopters, and she told me that as long as 4-6 people could attend, she'd do it. I put a call out on my group's facebook page to gauge interest and there was enough to do it, so she created a class on the schedule just for us! We're starting the class end of this month. If there's a trainer you like, maybe you could ask him/her if you could do the same.

  2. Had to bump this thread- Cole's snap test came back positive for Ehrlichia (we went though a whole treatment of doxy for it last Nov when he presented with dire symptoms. His platelets recovered beautifully, and I just got these results on Saturday as part of his annual). My vet mentioned the Doxy shortage, and that she would try another drug this time (I forgot to ask what it was).

    Has anyone been able to get a hold of any Doxy recently? If not, what do you think the best recommendation for other treatment is?


    I did ask her that if his platelets are good (being tested now) can't we just write off the test results as antibodies still present, and not exactly evidence of disease? She wasn't sure if that was the case whether to treat or not and is going to research it- I'm doing my research as well, and thgouht I'd start here.

    Thanks for any help, suggestions or experience any of you can offer!


  3. Just curious- I'll take my 7 year old male out for a long walk, so long that he's dragging by the end of it. We get back into my small fenced in yard, I take off his leash, and he proceeds to just go crazy doing zoomies for another 3-5 mins.

    So much so, that it takes him a half hour to stop panting once he finally decides to stop and come in.

    Is it because that even though the walk tires him out, it's a mellow kind of energy, and he needs to release energy at a higher level?

  4. I went into the rescue *convinced* I wanted a female - preferably fawn. I came home with a brindle and white boy - and he is THE BEST :beatheart


    I think the best advice I could give is to tell the adoption coordinator what type of dog you are looking for personality-wise, and let them suggest who might fit best in your family, regardless of Gender, Age, Color or Size.


    You might be surprised!


    I went to the adoption kennel and told the director I was looking for a petite, young female. I ended up with two 90ish pound 5 yr old boys, and couldn't be happier!



    Ira, at GAA, gave me the nickle tour. I was impressed with the people who worked there and how they ran things. Ira asked a bunch of questions to get a feeling for what type of dog would be best suited for my household. He nailed it pretty well.





    Ha! I got the "nickel tour" as well- I told Ira I was "just looking". Yeah, sure.... :rolleyes: I ended up filling out Topper's application that day. And you're right- they nailed it.


    Garwood sounds like he's doing well- good luck with him! Hopefully we'll see you and Garwood at some events- check the GAA board for Meet & Greet info and about the UNO's fundraiser on Jan 30th!

  6. I also taught him to play dead, and then taught him the command "bang bang" and the old "finger gun." So I could point my finger (like a kid playing cops and robbers) and say "bang bang" and he's fall over dead.


    Ha! Topper does the same thing, but I call it the "Lazarus Trick", as he barely stays dead long enough to be rewarded, before he pops right back up!

  7. I think you've got some really good responses and ideas here. I would only add that this kind of thing takes patience and consistency. (And this is coming from someone who's not very patient :rolleyes: , so easier said than done, I know.

    Don't give up- come up with a plan, do it the same way EVERY time for however long it takes, and you'll be rewarded with a boy who waits for his dinner. It'll also help Bigsby out, as once he understands what you want from him, he'll be that much less stressed out.

  8. I am going thru the same thing with Topper (too much butt-licking, trip to vet, who expressed glands and found that 1 was infected). We were just at the vet yesterday (Friday). He gave me Trimethoprim Sulfa tabs, 960 mg, which I'm to give to the poor boy 2x a day. I think the expression helped to relieve his uncomfortableness, and the medicine may already be working. He's licking less, and is less stinky :blush

    Hope this helps!


  9. Does the fact that I'm cracking up reading this thread mean I'm juvenile? I can't help it- I find the subject hilarious. (Of course, only now that Topper rarely has gas anymore-a scoop of yogurt on top of his food every morning seems to do the trick)

  10. Wow. I think that's a great way of looking at it- I never really thought of the experiences of a typical house dog (non-grey), but everything you're saying makes perfect sense. This could explain why my Topper seems to get apprehensive around non-greys and would just rather have nothing to do with them at all. He's just like me in having little tolerance or patience for those with bad manners, be they canine or human :)

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