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About Hobbesandme

  • Birthday 01/23/1979

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  • Location
    Newton, MA
  • Interests
    I see no difference between a cat and a cow, a dog and a pig. I've been a vegan since 2007, and always enjoy talking to other vegans as they are hard to come by. "I don't just SAY I love animals"

Hobbesandme's Achievements

Still wet behind the ears

Still wet behind the ears (3/9)

  1. I read the butt tongue as well, I think I tried to do mind erasure on that one! And the red lipstick hit very close to home... I got Hobbes on Dec 6th. From what I heard he wasn't there long, and GHF had renamed him Greg. I remember that he was in a crate across from Doug's kennel. I went on one Greyhound Adventures walk at JP arboretum, a few Sundays ago were you there?
  2. Nevermind about me wondering what a hoohoo is, I just read the suggested thread that was posted above...thanks! :blush
  3. Olives, and change purses and hoohoos, OH MY! What are hoohoos?! Okay and what is a dental. I have read about anesthesia and greyhounds, so how do I do a "dental"? geez, I must give great massages! I should start charging (kidding! )
  4. Hobbes has very foul breath. I've had him 2 months and his mouth stench is all wrong! I bought a doggie toothbrush and toothpaste. No matter how gentle I am his gums bleed. And it seems to do NO GOOD as his breath stank has not improved. Also, any tips on giving him a bath? He kind of smells like poo a bit and all I have read is to be very careful of the temperature. I'm wondering if there is anything else I should know? Then, why do his testicles look so funny!? Of course he was neutered at the rescue place, but his sac is still there and this is just out of curiosity....did they just suck all of the insides out (I'm sorry if that sounds gross but I couldn't think of another way to phrase it). Why? Last but not least, I was giving him a massage (he was standing and I was sitting). He seemed to love this as I massaged the muscles on the upper parts of his legs (he was groaning and sticking each leg out for me to do this), as I moved to the back I noticed that directly behind his penis there were bulges on each side...what are those? I'm not trying to be gross, just want to know! I want to make a vet appt for him, but also want to know what I need to ask the vet to look for before we go....
  5. Thank you all for being so welcoming! Also for the lesson in photo posting. So cool that there was another Hobbes, hah. Hello there in Lincoln! We went to the arboretum in Jamaica Plain for our first and only walk and we missed today. I took a lot of pics of the dogs that day, were you there? It was so great, there were about 30 greyhounds there it seemed. Hobbes was the one in front a lot of the time, almost like he felt he was responsible for leading the way.
  6. Ok I am testing what you said about Photobucket...
  7. Hello All, I adopted 4 year old "Eggplant Tree" in early December. His orange and black brindling reminded me of a tiger, and after much thought, I decided to rename him Hobbes (if any of you read Calvin and Hobbes, you will know that Hobbes is an imaginary/stuffed tiger and Hobbes has the more positive view of humanity than Calvin does). I remember the first time I ever met a greyhound. A woman sitting at a coffee shop had one at her feet at an outdoor table and I stopped to pet and chat. She told me they were not the dogs people thought they were (I was surprised at the time to find out they don't have a crazy energy about them). And well, our tastes make the world go around. I could love any animal, but realized I likes the ones with the long snouts and long legs. I have been wanting a dog FOREVER! But never had the time until recently. I had spent many hours on Petfinder and also had been to the SPCA. Recently, I was very excited as Massachusetts had finally banned greyhound racing, and that led me to Greyhound Friends near my home. And that is how I met Hobbes. I originally had a lot of questions, but have read a lot (before I adopted him and after). I am astounded at how many other greyhounds do the things Hobbes does, and that is relieving, so thank you! I thought they were only particular to him (ie what I call his "poop dance" where he goes back and forth FOREVER before pooping, or I was reading about others who wondered if their greys sit, as Hobbes has not done that, to the belly band, which I have on the way in the mail as he pees whenever I am not around). At this point there are things I worry about: I worry he is BORED. He absolutely lives for walks, but how many walks can we take in subzero temperature? ("many," Hobbes would type if he could ), and I am hoping that he is at the point where he realizes that we always come home when we leave him. I also wonder why he does the body shake whenever he wears his snood, why he whines and catches up to other dogs who are on walks, and then after a minute is bored with them and wants them away. Why his teeth chatter when I tell him we are going BYE BYE (his first word), and why, after all the garbage cans and bins we pass on our walks, why he seemed so FRIGHTENED at that one black plastic bag and another day a big snow clump. It's hard because I would give anything to know what his life was like before he came here, then I could better serve him and make his life easier. It can be frustrating. But I guess i have to remember that I've had him barely over a month, and from what I've read here, I have to be patient. Anyway, nice to meet you guys and I look forward to learning about Hobbes and your loves as well Liz and Hobbes (hmm, how in the heck do I post a pic of Hobbes?)
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