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Posts posted by KittyDaHownd

  1. I am so sorry you lost your sweet Mazy. She sure looked happy with you! I am so glad that you were able to give her a good home, but I know that doesn't take the pain away from what you are feeling now.

  2. We thought we could compromise with them. We agreed to get the larger grate, but we wanted to pick her up this Saturday because we both have 13 days off from work and we wanted to start acclimating her as they don't foster any of their dogs they just have a kennel, however the crate was not going to be her until Monday. This was still a no go for them. They would rather have her spend 2 days in the size crate she has been in for 7 years then send her to a good home. It is not like we were saying we would never crate her. We know she has never been alone and we had planned on making that a part of the training so we could circumvent any separation issues. We have decided to go with a different groups. Seems like the cruelest bait and switch possible. No information on the website about this mandatory requirement and we had started falling for this sweet 7 year old.

  3. We are (were) about to about a greyhound from a new group (our old one no longer exists). She is a small female. We spent time with her yesterday to make sure she is fit for us and we are a fit for her. After the visit, we got an email asking if we had all the extras needed (coats, leash, crate, collar, dog beds). We've had 3 greyhounds in the past so we have all the gear except for the collars, which I couldn't bear to have around after Kitty died. We get a follow up email asking the size of the crate. Our is 48Lx 30Wx 33H. We get an email this morning saying that it must be 35H with photographic evidence (picture and tape measure). I thought that size was for a large male. I admire that the group is looking out for their greyhounds, but can someone please explain this to me?

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