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Posts posted by PrairieProf

  1. Have you tried Prescription I/D yet? Especially if Hill's is already working better than some other foods. If he's having all this digestive trouble it might help at least in the short term. It proved so wonderful for Beth after a bout of pancreatic inflammation I've kept her on it as her regular food for over a year now (kibble with some canned on top) -- finally no more poop issues, her coat is like silk, etc. There are other dogs here on GT who need to be on it long-term. Or Science Diet Sensitive Stomach is sort of like a non-prescription version though it is not the same. I'm not saying your dog might not have a medical issue, but I thought I'd mention it.


    I am also one of my vet's two best clients, though at present that is based on a cat with serious issues as well as my greyhound and her various issues and injuries (she's healthy over all though!).

  2. Is there any possibility he's eating something nasty outdoors?


    Beth has also been on I/D for the past year+ and it's really straightened her out; I can't get over how beautifully she does on it. Her intestinal troubles (or most of them) turned out to be connected to sub-acute pancreatic inflammation. But she still has passing brief episodes that I can usually connect to her eating something icky, or grass, or whatever.

  3. Hill's (Science Diet and Prescription Diet) is made in the Hill's plant in Kansas -- in their own plant under the direct supervision of their own employees. Everything is very carefully sourced and checked and many outsiders have toured the plant and found it scrupulously clean. And except for a tiny number of foods in the huge 2007 incident they have had zero recall issues.


    This is posted from them on their Facebook page with a lot more detail: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151134961508327&set=a.10150095138858327.313696.223700263326&type=1&theater

  4. Welcome from Canada! Glad to hear you are interested in the most wonderful breed of dog (I'm biased, so sue me). :lol


    I can't help you with any of your questions but I noticed that you want the hound to be your shadow. I just wanted to mention that greyhounds need to be fenced when they are off-leash. Is your farm (or wherever the dog will be shadowing you) securely fenced?

    We have 5 acres fenced in.

    Do the owners that race the dogs know when the dogs last race will be? Do they have a certain number of races that they can run? Just curious.


    No, it's not set in advance, depends on how they're doing though very few greyhounds as far as I know race beyond age four.


    Most adoption groups will want you to have read Cynthia Branigan's Adopting the Racing Greyhound and/or Lee Livingood's Retired Racing Greyhounds for Dummies prior to adopting, so reading one or both of these would be a good advance step and give you lots of great information.


    And welcome!

  5. I agree that Biotene antiseptic gel can work well for gum infections (covers antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral). Directions state to use it twice daily for 5-7 days. (Not for on-going long term use.)


    I also thought about PetzLife, but didn't recommend it because I was surprised to learn many veterinarians do not recommend it due to questionable safety of ingredients for dogs (i.e., grain alcohol, grape seed extract, etc.). Just something to consider, particularly if using long-term. (My thought was it has to be a VERY strong product if it does what it claims.)


    Good to know. I wasn't planning to use it long-term, just until we get the situation under control. Then back to the enzymatic toothpaste for maintenance.

    Thanks again for all of your informative advice! I appreciate it! :colgate


    There's an older thread that pretty thoroughly debunks those worries. There are many vet testimonials on behalf of Petzlife too. I feel no concern whatsoever about using it regularly. Alternating toothpaste and Petzlife maintains Beth's teeth better than toothpaste-only used to. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php/topic/258536-petzlife-users/

  6. When you guys say antibacterial ointment, you mean like Polyspoirn for humans?


    Yep. I have a kind called Mupirocin from my vet -- he says it's really good (even uses it on his kids!).


    I was reading online about footpad injuries with Beth in the last week, and a couple of online vets recommended silver sulfadiazine ointment for them. I had some from a previous injury to Beth, so I switched over to using that.

  7. Yeah, I'm sure the middle toe would be ouchier than Beth's injury which was on her big pad, not toes. Glad he's getting better! That vet business would not be fun ... Beth loves it there so much we almost look for excuses to go (and we're such good clients they didn't even charge us for looking at her foot).

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