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Posts posted by PrairieProf

  1. More opportunities for outdoor running may be needed -- the more he gets his energy out outside, the less he'll be compelled to zoom outdoors. But I have a very high-energy young greyhound, and yeah, that's part of the fun. Her indoor zoomies have moderated a good deal from when I got her at two (she's four now), although she still does them.

  2. so they're really just regular carrots they prepare in their way to make them last longer and more convenient... i get carrots from my neighbor who grows them, fresh right out of the ground. fertilised the old fashioned way with horse manure, blood and bone and no poison sprays. (had some purple string beans from him last week)


    they're lumpy monsters - he calls the aliens from outer space, rather than nice uniform bland store bought ones. cleaned cooked and and mushed up they are an occasional addon for poppy (& me) in season. i've even got some sliced in the freezer for later on.

    No, this is not correct. There is nothing remarkable about the carrots they originate from. But the thing about how they are prepared is that the cellulose is broken down so that they are fully or much more digestible. Intact vegetables don't get digestively absorbed in the same way. Cooked mashed carrots might be comparable. But I would try the Olewo ones and compare before I jumped to the conclusion that there was no difference. (I actually feed a 50/50 mix of Olewo carrots and beets.)
  3. Just use trial and error with water until you find the consistency you like. There's nothing scientific about it. Wetter, dryer, it works the same. Easiest to use less and you can always add more.


    If you aren't nuking it it probably takes more than 20 minutes to absorb. I make a batch for covering a number of days (I never measure, just give my dog a big glob of mixed carrots and beets on each feeding) and keep it in the fridge. I try to add the water and let it sit for a few hours or overnight. I too stopped adding oil, since I give it with food, and my girl had pancreatitis from added oils the first year I had her.

  4. You need to get that splint bandage checked like every other day, especially at first. You would not believe how fast greyhounds can develop ulcerations on their toes from splints and wrapping worn 24/7, and they are a PIA to heal. Speaking from experience with my first greyhound who had a toe amputation (which isn't at all the end of the world if for some reason you keep having trouble with that toe dislocating or whatever).

  5. Plenty of people have dogs who don't have yards (or have dogs who don't like to potty in the yard, at least #2 -- this was the case with my first greyhound). They walk them. You are going to have to walk your dog for exercise anyway and go to grassy fenced areas for off-leash running time, so.... That space looks awfully tight. And remember, most dogs are not just going to go in and immediately assume the position, unless they have to go really badly. They generally like to wander or trot around to find the perfect spot. That area will be tight for the dog even to turn around in -- remember these guys are not just tall but long!

  6. I had an excellent experience with PetSmart training with my first greyhound -- my first experience with dog training, too. It was fun and she learned a lot, we went all the way through Advanced. I will say that the instructor I worked with throughout had years of experience -- her knowledge was just just based on PetSmart's training. One negative was the crowded, busy environment -- good for practicing with distractions but I would have liked to be working in a space dedicated to training, not practicing stuff in aisles full of clueless shoppers and their pups. One positive is they allow you to retake any class for free, even if you pass it, if you want more practice or whatever.

  7. Please don't react out of fear of something that happened to a different dog.


    If your dog is asymptomatic, which it sounds like, your vet is not greyhound savvy if she is recommending thyroid meds based on a very borderline result.


    This is absolutely right. Tons of greyhounds have T4 way below 0.5 and full panels show they are perfectly normal. Absolutely no conclusions and no medication without a full thyroid panel (including breeds-specific interpretation at the lab -- Michigan State is considered the best).

  8. My vet doesn't even carry the vaccination as the flu is not in Iowa. He is not alarmist and thinks the epidemiological risk outside major outbreak areas is statistically tiny. This reminds me I've been to several midwest events since the Chicago outbreak in 2015 and it wasn't an issue.


    Unfortunately it will be impossible to avoid communal bowls and close contact if one uses the dog-sitting service in Sterl Hall at the Abilene event, which is necessary to do farm tours or anything else where dogs are not allowed.

  9. Yes, I saw the post about the vaccine. I am just aware that no one is talking about the implication for events, just as greyhound event season kicks into high gear.


    I am going with a friend and her two hounds and our hotel room is nonrefundable. My gut feeling at this point is to start the vaccination process (Cocoa does go to the dog park and out in the world a lot, no cases in Iowa yet but we are driving to NY soon) and stay away from other dogs as much as possible for an event, avoid communal bowls, etc.

  10. I don't agree about greyhounds being bad first time dogs. I was a cat person all my life before getting my first greyhound in my 40s. A greyhound is the only breed of dog I ever want! Plus when you get a greyhound you can become part of a huge, supportive, fun community, which you don't get with any other dog you might adopt. If you haven't had a dog you have to learn about having a dog whatever kind it is. (And FWIW my first greyhound was two years old and had never been fostered, although I will admit she was an exceptionally confident and stable dog.)

  11. I have longstanding plans to bring Cocoa to the Abilene gathering next week, and in the last 24 hours have realized that the current outbreak of serious canine influenza is more widespread than I had thought. It makes me realize that going to this or other gatherings with dogs coming together from widespread locations is really quite risky. I know that many serious dog show people are pulling their dogs out of shows for the present.


    Even if one starts the vaccination process now, it takes a vaccination and booster and what sounds like about 4 weeks total for a dog to be really protected.


    Any thoughts from other folks on this? No cases in Kansas so far but apparently the virus has been found as close as Missouri. http://www.veterinarypracticenews.com/Canine-Influenza-Virus-Beyond-Two-Show-Dogs/


    Cocoa is also on a mild immune-suppressant medication (Atopica) for her discoid lupus and I am wondering how much more vulnerable that would leave her. Going to try to talk to my vet this morning.

  12. My vet has always said when I have worried about letting my former or current greyhound run because of this or that possible risk, "Let her be a dog." Running is a greyhound's greatest joy. (Obviously they need not to run when healing from an acute injury, but that's not we're discussing.)

  13. I am so very very sorry. My beloved Beth collapsed very suddenly on a morning walk at 9.5, and while she revived shortly after she kept getting faint with pale gums and just died at the vet less than 24 hours later. It is a complete shock, and I can't imagine the distress of what you went through. One comfort I had, that I hope you will have in time too, is that she never got old and frail or suffered -- she was enjoying life normally up to the very end.



  14. Do you have solid evidence that she doesn't still have smoldering pancreatitis?


    Both of my greyhounds have had pancreatitis, and for the record it was only the TLI test that A) diagnosed them and B ) allowed us to monitor their pancreatic levels properly.


    Both were much younger and neither were as sick as yours, but they both were eventually fine.

  15. Yep, greyhounds are very lazy -- not wanting to get up in any hurry isn't the least bit uncommon. Striking that she is so early on, as they often pace a lot and follow you around at the early stage. She may get more active as she adjusts -- she is very, very new and may be a bit shut down with all the newness. Was she in a foster home before or an adoption kennel? That would affect the likely reading of her inertia.


    Do not scoop her up -- that is asking for a growl or snap or bite and will make her feel threatened. She does need to get on a schedule though! Obviously she has to go out before you have to go somewhere in the morning. I would try to get her up by luring her with food -- that has often been required for most of my greyhounds. Trial and error will show what motivates her enough. My first grey was very conditioned to the sound of the yogurt spoon clinking on her metal bowl, and would leap up from a deep sleep. My current one prefers sliced cheese and the crinkling of the package gets her moving. I don't generally have a problem in the morning (though I do sometimes), but late at night I have almost always needed a little food motivation to get my hounds up for "last call." They are single dogs like yours appears to be too -- in non-home places or with other dogs around mine have always leaped right up. I won't say I haven't given their butts a little shove sometimes to encourage them to get off the couch/bed at home but it tends not to be very effective, and I would be wary of doing that with a dog I didn't know well yet.

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