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Posts posted by PrairieProf

  1. One thing I will say too is be understanding if he's really terrified, but don't play into his fears. My friend adopted a nervous new girl, Fly, last summer and she was scared of everything, statued a lot on the street, while my friend stood there and tried to reassure Fly while she stared and trembled. One day my friend couldn't even get her out of the yard, and called me to come over with my dog. I gave her my dog to hold, took Fly's leash, and assumed the confident, no-nonsense persona of a greyhound trainer or leadout at the track. Braced my hand on my abdomen and strode off briskly. Boom, Fly trotted right along beside me without stopping. Things were much better after that once my friend learned how to pick up the pace and be a confident leader.

  2. Beth got a near-case of pancreatitis (just under the threshold of acute) when she was on TOTW Pacific Stream, though I don't think it was FROM it.


    I would take this very seriously, and really be careful about starting re-feeding, and stay in close touch with my vet. My friend's dog (non-grey) died last fall from severe pancreatitis that apparently led to neurological sequelae.


    Beth has been fine in the succeeding years, but I have also been rigorously careful about what she eats.

  3. I am convinced some (possibly rancid) fish oil gave my dog a near-pancreatitis crisis (she was just under the threshold for acute pancreatitis). If you see any problems (hers was diarrhea that did not resolve over some days) I would take it very seriously. She was on a pretty heavy dose of metronidazole for a month and has been fed low fat ever since.

  4. Mine poops three or four times a day because we are constantly leash walking. And this is on low residue food.


    Poops being softer when there hasn't been a long time since the last one is *totally normal.* Normal poop firmness is substantially dependent on how long it has "been in the pipeline" for water to be absorbed.

  5. I've seen some incredibly misshapen toes on actively lure-coursing greyhounds. Surprised me a bit it wasn't a problem for them with such intense activity but the owners said not. So probably don't worry if they're not causing a problem. Mine has a weight-bearing toe amputation and the remaining large toe has gotten very misshapen and arthritic over the years yet it causes her no problem at all. I have her on Dasuquin with MSM but honestly have no idea if it helps or she truly needs it.

  6. And just to clarify, they ALL know how to play. They played with their litters for a year growing up. They know DOG play, greyhound play-- chasing and racing each other and biting is a big part of it. That's how they learn to run! Some do and some do not like play with toys, when adopted or ever. Has nothing whatsoever to do with their happiness. Please don't project some totally false idea that they are poor deprived dogs needing a human adopter to teach them to play.

  7. YAY YAY YAY!!!! So relieved for you all and selfishly too because of Beth's close relationship. Whew!!


    Is Bernie on a supplement like Dasuquin? Has he had or have you considered laser therapy or other treatments? I do get laser or acupuncture for Beth at the slightest sign of any issue.

  8. I've taken my Beth to my cousin's stable numerous times. She loves horses and is very curious. No problem but of course she is always right with me on leash and not allowed anywhere she could get on trouble. The horses are used to the barn dogs and others. (And an indoor riding ring is an awesome soft surface for running, without horses and with gates that close safely of course.)

  9. Do NOT assume a dog with a sensitive stomach will tolerate added fats. They can be the worst trigger for digestive upset. I learned after a few years and a pancreatitis scare that mine was stable on a low fat diet. I do give her small portion of whole sardines a few days a week. But she has an awesome coat on her prescription food. I would concentrate on getting your dog healthy and stable before worrying about additives. Mine is fine on some chews but I think brushing is much more important. I use Petzlife spray too.

  10. I'd do it. Beth had a weight bearing toe amputated going on four years ago when she tore the ligament in a bad dislocation. The healing was a little rockier than expected (in terms of stitches ripping etc, not pain), and that foot looks pretty funky, but her quality of life has been excellent, no residual problems to speak of. Runs hard and all of that.

  11. They give one year vaccines. There's no such thing as a "three year vaccine" except rabies, is there?


    My proof of vaccines is a receipt/sheet that says when they're due next. They update that after the titer.


    Of course the boarding and grooming I use is AT my vet where everyone totally knows us, so I don't have to show proof often. But I know I've used their printout with the dates.

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