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Posts posted by carronstar

  1. Robin, you are doing an amazing job with all you are dealing with. My offer to you still stands. If you need a relief "sitter" I'm happy to come out and give you a break. I promise to get over my FOS (fear of suburbia)!!! You are only a train ride away. Is there any other mild white fish similar to tilapia that Beau might like? Maybe just a slight taste difference would tempt him. Sending lots of hugs, prayers and good thoughts.

  2. I am so very sorry you are going through this. I will hold you in my heart and prayers today. Coach knows that you love her dearly. Take comfort in that. I know just how hard this decision and act is for you but please know that you are doing the best thing you can for your girl.


    This is the 5th anniversary of the day I had to let my first girl, Scarlett, go. I will ask Scarlett to stand at the bridge to welcome Coach.

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