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Posts posted by carronstar

  1. Thank you so much, everyone. It helps me to hear about other experiences, even if only because it forces me to stop crying, because I can't read while crying! It's doubly hard because my divorce goes through May 1st, and it feels like Ricky picked this time to go. Poor little guy. The Metacam has knocked him out - I'm calling other vets, but it would kill me to drive him anywhere else. I will see what they say.


    I know from experience that all of the pain meds can cause liver failure which is why some vets are stingy but at this point that is a non-issue. Your boy needs more.


    I can understand that the thought of driving your boy somewhere is frightening because you don't want to hurt him. Are there any homecare vets in your area? Sadly, at this point you are looking at pain management and ultimately, release. A good, caring, homecare vet may be a good option for you. I am happy to help research in your area if you would like me to do so.

  2. I am so very sorry for your loss. Jock was clearly a very, very much loved boy.


    To those who say you have lost "just a dog". Ignore them. They don't know any better. They are not trying to be insensitive, they just don't know the pain involved.


    I felt very similar when I had to let Scarlett go. I had to make the decision at a very young age to take my grandmother off life support. My mother died the year before that. The love of my life died a few years later. Yet letting Scarlett go was someone more wrenching, I felt like I was killing my best friend. Logically I know that was not the case. Logically you know that too but the heart doesn't do logic so well.


    Try to remember the wonderful life that you gave Jock, and the wonderful times that Jock gave you. Know that you would not be who you are, or would not have learned the lessons that you learned with Jock in any other way. Those lessons can't be taken away from you. They are his gifts to you. As long as you have those you have Jock.


    iluvgreys is completely right "His loving spirit is just a whisper away."

  3. I would definitely not let him do the stairs. I know that will be hard on him because of the change, and hard on you emotionally but I think it is just too dangerous. Keep up with the pain meds so that any pain is blocked before he can feel it. I know that the last month of so I never even made it off the sidewalk around my building with Scarlett, walking was just too much. That said, she maintained her appetite and her attitude right through. I chose a day to let her go as soon as we did the x-rays and got the diagnosis. I knew that I might well be letting her go earlier than I had to but I also knew that I did not want her to live in pain.


    I moved my mattress onto the floor for her last weeks, and I ordered dinner in from local places every single night. She got all her favorite foods and lots of love and we made all the memories we could. Her last day was a party where everyone she loved could drop in all day to visit (and keep me sane) and we had a big champagne toast to the worlds most wonderful girl with all her closest people gathered around her before I held her and let her go.


    The walks were rough, I won't lie but she was a girl who would NOT mess in the house. However, nearly every time we went out I was stopped by strangers offering help and telling me that even though they didn't know us, they had seen her for years. There is a lot of love and compassion out there. If people offer to help you, let them. It may be nothing more than helping you move your baby a few feet but it is there for you if you need it.


    Love on your boy as though every moment might be the last. Spoil him rotten.

  4. I agree with kennelmom completely. Are there changes in her surroundings that could be bothering her? If you are at work during the day, you might not know about them. I had a girl with severe SA and we worked through a lot of it during our first year. Then for no apparent reason she had complete breakdowns during the day every day for a week. She also had a dog walker who was not doing his work and had not one drop of compassion. He was easy, I fired his butt. I hired an amazing dog walker on Saturday. Then I stayed home on the following Monday to see if anything was going on that I could hear or see. It turns out that there was construction in my building. Two apartments being joined together. 100 year old solid brick and lathe construction being knocked down. The walls shook, the noise was so bad I wanted to ask them to stop! At that point I turned to my GPA community and they told me about Rescue Remedy and Dap. Those two items were miraculous for my girl. Combined with a new and caring walker who made sure not to leave her in the apartment until she was content and happy on her couch, really turned the tide for my girl.


    We also started to train as a therapy team which was helpful. Just the working together through the exercises, combined with me continuing to practice alone time with her in short bursts every night gave her a sense of calm and assurance that even if I left, I would always come back.


    If you work out of the house, can you take a day to work from home so that you can determine if there is anything going on of which you are unaware? Can you get her a walker who will come in and give her some exercise and attention at the mid-point of the day? I learned early on that my girl could do about 5 hours on her own before she melted down. As long as she saw someone at that point, she was okay.

  5. I am so very sorry for your loss. Please, don't second guess yourself. I know that is easier said than done but please, try. You truly did the best thing for Romeo that you could possibly have done.

  6. Jen, Aquitaine is remarkable. She is such a sweetie. I have to laugh when I remember Carolyn telling me that her foster family said she had dominance issues. Well, she did try to mount me every so often but I honestly just found that to be hilarious, not at all dominant. She sings, she has the happiest tail in town and is an all around joy. They also warned me that she likes to lick wood, well, I finally gave in after multiple bare spots on my hard wood floors, art deco buffet, art deco cocktail cabinets and numerous areas of my walls and do muzzle her during the day. Aside from that, she is just perfect. Now if she would just roach...


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