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Posts posted by carronstar

  1. The ultrasound came back with a huge splenic mass and several liver tumors. The exact same 'effin' thing that Brindle had.

    Unlike Brindle who was in distress, Pearl has some options, even though they suck. She can have surgery which may prolong her life by 4 months, chemo would add another couple months.

    But Pearl is 12 with heart disease and hypertension.

    However, she is in the same condition as her 12 yr old sister. So age really should be a factor, just her heart and BP. Which are very stable. She probably would survive surgery.

    Without surgery she has days, weeks. Maybe a month or so. WIth the way she's feeling now, I don't imagine months is in her prognosis.

    I just put Diamond thru cancer surgery.

    Pearl was feeling REALLY GOOD since being put on the pimobendan. THis is so unfair. We were keeping her heart and hypertension under control and she was feeling really really good.

    this sucks.


    add to the equation that Diamond was given a 1 yr prognosis in Oct and my Onyx is already 14, this is going to be a really bad year for me.

    I wish I could give you a real hug. Please know that I am holding Pearl (and you)in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. I am so very sorry for your loss. Bea definitely was meant to be your girl.


    Three years ago on 12/20 I lost my Morgaine in a similar fashion. I left home that morning with a happy, healthy girl. By 3 that afternoon she was seizing and by 7 I had lost her. She had terrible SA and we really worked on it. She certified as a therapy dog and was amazing at it. She, too, loved kids and would let them hang all over her and love on her. I miss that big (90 ish lbs) galoot of a girl every day.


    Your Bea will never fully leave you. She has made a home in your heart.


    I hope that heart heals soon.

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