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Posts posted by carronstar

  1. Very well said.


    All three of my girls have Onie Jones in their bloodlines. It has never bothered me. Scarlett lived to 19.5, only to get Osteo (so rude at that point!) 2 months before I had to let her go. Morgaine died suddenly of status epilepticus. Knock wood, Aquitaine appears quite healthy except for greyhound teeth.


    I was virtually raised in my vets office since my mother and grandmother bred poodles and we showed our until each received their championships. At 6 I fell in love with Danes and my vet told me I was too emotional to get one as they didn't live long lives. He was right, but I still love them.


    What I have learned with my girls, and from reading about everyone else's greys, and from dogs in general is that I have to love them every day as if it was their last. Does it s*ck to wake up every morning knowing that "this might be the day", of course it does but it won't deter me. My girls are priceless to me. The love they have given me, and the comfort during some very scary times, is beyond measure. Not one of them is replaceable. That will never stop me from adopting again as the love will just continue to flow through each one of them. If I can only ever adopt one at a time, then I will be a serial adopter.


    Panic is pointless (but you don't want to be within hearing distance if my girl gets hurt...I scream VERY loud). Enjoy each day.

  2. Just spoke to Tina. Cofax came through her surgery well. The vet said that she bled the least amount of any greyhound he has ever seen. She will be at the vets for a few days. Tina is getting the house ready for her return in a few days.


    The vet did indicate that it might not only be osteo, there might be some muscle affect as well. They biopsied the lymph nodes and will have those results in a few days.


    If you could keep lovely Cofax in your prayers I know Tina, Bob and Cofax would appreciate it.


    ------------- Update via email from Tina --------------------

    Just a quick note ........... so Bob & I can grab a quick dinner and sneek in to try to see her again...... My sister in law Ruth came and sat with me during surgery and then we went to lunch. I'm glad she was there. I know I could have done this on my own.... but it's still good to have that extra "wind beneath my wings".... just like having so many other friends and family from all over the world there for us. The doctor that did the surgery said she's doing better than any greyhound he has ever had to do an amp on. He's followed the guidelines of Dr. Couto and had min.bleeding and brusing. He did a sorta s or c cut instead of a y to have a better look later and less chance of infections while healing. The bone was terrible he said. We really did the right thing. There was definitely a big problem. He took samples of different areas and the lymph node to see if it's spread. We'll know more in a few day from the lymph node but could be up to 2 wks for the bone samples. I went to see her for a few mins today and she gave everyone a BIG scare and surprise when she stood up!!!! Boy did the team move fast! Doc said never has any of his amps - greyhound or otherwise ever stood up only 2hrs after surgery! He was amazed..... and I said.... that's why NOT to bring her home too soon! don't need her pooping stitches. But That's my girl..... she's strong. I have a photo of her today if you would like to see it... let me know.... don't want to post or email unless you do.... don't want to upset anyone. ..... but from others I've seen....... It's really good. Even I'm impressed.

  3. I am so very sorry for your loss. Riley was a gorgeous boy. Don't worry about forgetting anything. You won't. All the little wonderful things will be right there in your memory. If there were things that frustrated you, they will just make you laugh. You and Riley made each others lives.


    Run free, sweet Riley.

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