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Posts posted by duncan41

  1. Two tablespoons dehydrated in a cup of warm water and a teaspoon of flaxseed oil makes two servings at my house. Our new senior came to us with "colitis" but now has almost normal poop.

    Just received beets for our other senior girl who has lots of skin sensitivities despite a species appropriate diet and salmon oil. Am anxious to see the results.

    Recommended to a friend whose two Greyhounds have always had very loose stools. After one serving, one dog had a solid stool and the second dog experienced the same after two servings.

    Dehydrated carrots. Who knew?

  2. I wouldn't feed him for 24 hours. Some dogs do better on mashed potatoes and chicken or egg noodles and chicken. if rice is your preference, cook it in twice the water for twice the recommended time so that it's mush. It's supposed to be easier on the digestive tract, too. Whatever works best, just feed it as wet as he will tolerate it and that will add to his daily water intake, too.


    I just adopted a senior who came to me with "colitis" which may have been 6 year long bout with hookworm, dx'd by my Vet via ELISA. I did all the usual OTC anti-diarrhea meds with mixed success, treating with probiotics, Zymex II by Standard Process and a Chinese herb called Eight Gentleman, but his poop ranged from gravy to formed but soft serve and everything in between. Went online and discovered OLEWO dehydrated carrots. I have no idea why they work, but I can tell you that I will never be without them! Holy bulk forming, Batman! What a difference!


    Meredith, thanks for the coconut water suggestion! Will have to try that one!


    Sure hope Joe feel better soon!

  3. We just adopted a senior with a 6 year long history of "colitis". My Vet did a stool ELISA and lo and behold, he has hookworm. One treatment so far, bland diet of boiled hamburger, rice, probiotic, Standard Process "Zymex" and a Chinese herb blend called Eight Gentlemen and we have solid poop! Next is to wean him off Sulfasalazine and slowly introduce a more species appropriate diet.


    Can't stress how important the ELISA is.

  4. Anyone who knows you and remembers the agony you went through with her kidney issues, has no doubt that you adored Aquitaine.................and Morgaine and the guppy.........................and would do anything, absolutely anything to keep her and happy and pain free.


    You kept your promise. :grouphug:grouphug:grouphug


    I am so sorry for your loss.


    Beautiful, touching, loving, heart breaking tribute. :brokenheart

  5. It's never too early or too late to start obedience training. I agree about finding an obedience club or individual trainer who uses positive reinforcement. I'm sure there are plenty of videos on youtube that would provide examples of training methods so that you can decide which one would suit you and Fusion. I wish I had listened to a fellow "dog person" a hundred years ago as she extolled the virtues of obedience training and suggested that I try it instead of waiting until 8 years ago.

  6. Didn't you have multiple "incidents/accidents" at your house over the weekend? Maybe Morty caught a "bug" from your house guests?


    It's tough having a dog that is not food motivated. Here are some random thoughts.


    I found that some seniors have a shift in their eating schedules. I had one that skipped breakfast but wanted to eat between 4 and 5 pm and then again at 10 pm. He also developed a taste for Stella and Chewy's Freeze Dried Cat Food to which I added shredded rotisserie chicken.


    Perhaps it's time to consider trying a few raw temptations? Ground beef, chicken, bison, turkey, etc. Chicken necks are always on the hit parade around here. And there are several very good recipes for Fat Balls or Satin Balls = high calorie content, here on GT. If you have a pet supply store that stocks frozen raw dog food, that might be a good place to start.


    Liver Brownies crumbled as a topping is very enticing to some, as is tuna juice. Canned sardines in water, too.


    Meatloaf (without the onions) usually receives high marks as does "grilled" anything.


    Then there is the "last chance" foods which consists of anything you can buy at a drive thru.


    Have you tried 10mg Pepcid, 1/2 tablet of omeprazole or slippery elm 30 to 45 minutes before meal time? Did you talk to your Vet about an appetite stimulant (cyproheptadine)? 30 pills (4mg) were $20.78 at our compounding pharmacy.


    Morty - EAT! Hugs for you.

  7. Go to youtube and search Dr. Ronald Schultz. There is a multi-part interview with Dr. Karen Becker that addresses animal immunity. Dr. Schultz knows more about animal immunity than anyone on the planet. Listen to what he says then research and read about the Rabies Challenge.


    After doing my own research, I asked myself the following question: "Would I have or would I take my child for yearly vaccinations knowing what I know now?"

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