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Posts posted by duncan41

  1. First, thank you ssooo much for sharing Hot Rod with us! He was so lucky to have a Greytgrandma who was so involved! I shouldn't do this at work because those darned allergies kick in when I think about the world without Hot Rod and about how much his family is missing him. He was certainly a special boy, lucky enough to find his furever home with a special family who allowed us to get to know him so much that we feel as if we have lost "one of our own".

    Godspeed, sweet boy! I am only one of many who loved you from afar and will miss you.

  2. Have you observed the head shaking from before the shaking started to after the shaking stops? It sounds like a focal seizure except that it stops when he's being petted. One of mine has focal seizures but even she can't stop them and we certainly can't. She tries - changes positions, moves her head very emphatically as it to say "stop it!", but nothing works.

    Have you searched for focal seizures on youtube? There are a couple of good videos on the subject.

  3. How close are you to Ohio State? They have an I-therm that works wonders on all sorts of problems. It sounds like smoke and snake oil, but I can testify from personal experience that it works - my Vet has one! If you aren't close to OSU, I would call the manufacturer and see if there is one in your area.


    Go here: kldmedical.net/i-therm

  4. Could it be that he has irregular atrial fibrillation? A-fib is normally thought of as a constant condition, but in people, it can be intermittent. My dad had it and it was only "caught" twice in a year despite monthly checkups which included an EKG. Wearing the monitor for an extended period of time would increase the odds of catching an intermittent condition.


    Has his blood pressure been checked lately?

  5. I'll start beating the war drums and sending smoke signals. You put on your best war paint! We can't be there in person, but you know we're standing beside you in spirit!


    "Busy" is not acceptable. Make that the first order of business. Tell her you and Puzzle will wait while she calls the cardiologist. Plan B: get the name and telephone number of the cardiologist and call them yourself, every day, without fail. Ask for the practice manager, office manager, whomever can get you those results! Ugh! There is something wrong with this picture!!!

  6. Still plenty of time in HI to make lots of telephone calls! Deep breath.


    The only way this is not going to be resolved today is if the cardio Dr took the rest of last month off, which could be very possible. (I had to wait for an appointment with a neuro Dr because he took off the last 6 WEEKS of the year!!!) BUT, the only way to know for sure is to call the Cardio office to see if the report was done and sent to your Vet. If nothing else, they should be able to give you that information.

  7. Let's end this year with Pudge getting rid of the bad and ringing in the new year with nothing but good. Saying prayers for Pudge's quick and uneventful recovery.


    I was posting at the same time as Ducky was posting those cute pictures. Pudge, you look a little miserable at the moment, but I hope you will be feeling more like your old self tomorrow after a good night's sleep. She really is a cutie pie - slipping tongue and all. :beatheart:beatheart:beatheart

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