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Posts posted by nyGreys

  1. QUOTE(Burpdog @ Dec 2 2009, 12:54 PM)

    Glad she is doing well!!!


    Also might think of pulsing Antirobe first 5 days of each month. Works for a lot of greys.


    Forgive my ignorance, Diane, but what is that? I'm so glad Abby is doing well.


    You give the appropriate dose of Antirobe (clindamyacin) for the first 5 days of every month, each month. It keep the bacteria down which in turns keeps the inflamation and infection in check.

    Thanks Diane, I'll ask my vet about this.



    Abby is feeling fine today. She's on antibiotics for 7 days.


    Thank you all again for your prayers & suggestions. :)



  2. Thank you all for your thoughts & prayers. :)

    I called the vet & Abby is doing fine & she can come home around 3:30.


    Hey, Dee, after this cleaning, might ask your vet and vet tech about bringing her in once a month for light scaling/polishing while she's awake. Won't totally eliminate the problem but might prolong times between "serious" cleanings; removing any plaque deposited at the gumline helps keep more from building up there and causing soreness. We've done this for Zema. Funny thing is, Zema who is terrified of the vet will hold perfectly still for @ 20 minutes and let the tech get under the gumline etc., whereas Joseph who is delighted to see the vet will not hold still for love nor money nor food :lol .


    Sending lots of prayers for tomorrow!

    I'm sure she would act just like Joseph. :lol


    Have you tried Petzlife Oral Care Gel or Spray? We brush our girl's teeth with the gel and it does an absolutely amazing job of both removing and preventing tartar buildup and keeping her mouth healthy. We brush, but you can also just wipe it on her teeth, or just put it in her mouth, or even use the spray on type. It really does work!


    Also, we have used CET Hextra Chews which seem to have been beneficial, too.


    We'll be keeping your girl in our prayers and thoughts.


    Good Luck.

    I might give this a try. Thank you. :)


    Very good thoughts coming Abby's way from Spain...I wonder if it's not too often to put the hound under. Imagine,

    neither my beloved Ivy (at the bridge since July) nor sweet Soldi have never, ever got their teeth cleaned by

    a vet. I gave them a raw beef joint bone from time to time and that was it. Ivy never had wonderful brilliant teeth,

    but they were healthy and O.K. Soldi has brilliant teeth without doing anything. I think putting a greyhound so often

    under only for brilliant teeth is quite risky. Please don't understand my post as criticism...I only tell you my

    opinion, but I admit, that these things scare me. Good luck for sweet Abby...I wish that everything goes well...

    Marion, I know what you mean, & I wouldn't put her under if it wasn't for her gums, they get so sore that she can't

    eat & whenever she raises her lip to take a cookie from me or yawns, she yips. :( If she wasn't

    in pain, I wouldn't have them cleaned, but I hate to see her in pain.

    Mindy's teeth are not white, but her mouth doesn't get sore, she's

    only had her teeth cleaned once in the 10 years that I've had her.




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