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Posts posted by nyGreys

  1. On a side note, I just want to say how much I love owners that the first thought is

    fix my dog!!

    second thought is, OK how do I pay for this :lol

    My first thought was, fix my dog, my second thought was, I don't have the money, & my third thought was, I don't give a dam

    about the money, "fix my dog"! :P


    When I used Care Credit, there was no interest for the first year, but if you carried it over that one year then the interest rate was phenominal.

    But check with your vets office. Rates change per office and some offices dont' carry it.

    I got a whole year at my grey's dentist. But the big whoopa$ hospital only allowed me to have 3 months interest free. The bills were the same.

    But, it's still worth checking out. I just always made sure I paid CC by the end of their term for 0 interest.

    Yes, we used Care Credit.


    Glad Katie is healing. Sending prayers.

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