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Posts posted by 4greyhounds

  1. My friend, here we are again, all too soon. And why now with Halo, who had just come to know what true love and respect was really all about.

    You stepped up to the plate when no one else would, stepped up to the plate for a boy who needed you so very badly. And I truly believe you needed him as well.


    How many times is the heart broken and how many times can it heal. I think you are about to show us all what that answer is.


    And Halo, beautiful gentle Halo, you have left more broken hearts behind than I bet you even knew about.

    You became part of many of us. I believe that you are now young once again, no more sickness and you are running free and happy, in the company of all the Angels who have gone before you.


    I don't think you give any thought to what you have left behind Halo, but should you ever for a minute think about that, I hope to God what comes to mind is your last 2 months


    God speed my friend, and run now and be happy. Give our Angels a kiss from all of us and please Halo, watch over your mom and the rest of us who loved you.





    Claudia, I could not have said it any better that the words you have shared....


    Hilda, I thank god for the 2 months that he was with you and that he was able to get to know what true love was...... Know one day he will meet you at the bridge!

    I am so very sorry!!!!! :grouphug :grouphug :f_pink


    :gh_run Run Free Halo


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