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Posts posted by 4greyhounds

  1. Claudia...... :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug


    Misty was a Very Special little girl and she was our Pongos Beautiful Girl, and she will always be in our hearts........ :beatheart :beatheart Pongo really misses her and her picture sets in our China Cabinet in a very Special place.... :wub: You will see each other again and until then she is playing and having a "Great" time in good health at the bridge ....Her memories will be cherished "FOREVER".

  2. Thanks so Much!!!!! I did find blood under the dining room table.... But he loves to go under the table like it is a crate... I still am not positive that it could have happened under the table because I can't see what could be sharp enough to cut him like he is cut?????, But DH is going to pad under the table just in case.... I am not sure if we will ever figure this out and it drives me crazy knowing I have to go back to work tomorrow and there "MIGHT" be something in the house that could hurt any one of them.... I also thought about Pongo is very passive and he takes a lot from Aladdin I wonder if maybe Pongo had enough and just maybe he somehow bit Aladdin but I can't see how he could through the muzzle? But needless to say they will be separated tomorrow.

  3. We finally got Aladdin in a postion that he felt a little bit more comfortable and stopped crying!!!!




    Holly I have looked everywhere and checked spots I can't figure it out.... But we are continuing to see this house is bigger than our other one, the only think I can think of is the dining room table, he loves to go under there and there is some sharp edges from the leaf... But I see no hair...

  4. Thanks so Much for the good thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery. ! I feel so bad for him!!!! :( He is in a lot of pain even though they have him on Tramadol HCL 50mg and a antibiotic Clavamox 250 mg. He keeps crying and I know the drain has to be uncomfortable. I just wish that I knew how this happened? I never thought about the toenail but they could be a good cause even though I just dremeled all their toenails. The doctors were just very concerned because it was in the throat area and their is a lot of bruising too. We go back on Saturday Morning for a follow up visit.I have to return to work tomorrow. I wish I could stay home with him more and the dogs will be all separated.

  5. We came home from work yesterday, and we are not sure exactly what happened or how it could have happened but Aladdin had a huge cut or bite mark out of his neck. We took him to the emergency vet and they had to do surgery to repair the cut was very deep and tissue from the neck was out. The vet had to repair and stated their was also a lot of bruising. Our dogs are muzzled during the day but we do not crate, they have always got a long well and we have looked the house over and we can not find anything where Aladdin could have got cut. He has a drain and staples in the neck area. Any prayers for a fast recovery or positive thoughts would be appreciated. We just wish we knew how this could have happened?

    Here is our poor baby we just got back home with him.


    (Sorry the picture is not real good)



  6. Maggie.jpg


    My Moms Precious Baby Girl Maggie went to the Bridge yesterday Morning at the young age of only 9. She got a Liver Disease at the age of 7, and the vets were surprised that Maggie lived as long as she did, my mom had taken her to every vet she could to try to save Maggie, she was eventually sent to University of Georgia hospital, and they told her with the medicine Maggie would never see the age of 8. Well Maggie lived to be 9. She was a Precious baby girl and she gave my mom a lot of light in her life. My mom is the Full time care taker for my dad and Maggie was always there for mom, giving her a smile.

    Every time I went home to see mom and dad Maggie would always meet me at the door with a lot of kisses, she was so "Special". No one could every be sad or upset around Maggie because she would come up to you and even start a dance until you laughed or just picked her up for a hug. She traveled with mom and dad in their motor home many places before dad got sick and she always had her Special Seat right behind the driver and she loved to look out and watch everything, if they stopped and she saw someone she would bark until they came up to pet her. She was the one that changed my Bridge Boy Champ from not being small dog safe to loving her. They would always lay together....

    This picture is not a very good one, but it was taken this past Christmas, I had got her a new sweater for the winter. But I cherish it as it was the last one taken of the two of us....


    Love ya Maggie, You have a Great time with Champ at the Bridge and all the others that are there until we meet again.... :kiss2

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