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Posts posted by greyhead

  1. I'd worry about lowering her blood pressure unnecessarily using that medicine. Her kidney values are normal for a greyhound. Creatinine runs higher in greyhounds because of the high ratio of muscle to fat in their bodies. We have a greyhound with kidney issues at our house, which developed after an extended UTI. If the urine specific gravity is normal, there's probably not any problem. But I don't see that test listed on your printout.

  2. WeGa've had two LS dogs. She may have strained the front leg in trying to pull herself upright without help from her back end. Even without that, the front legs compensate for the back and start having to bear more weight than is optimal, leading to strain. Hope it's nothing worse than that. Gabapentin, tramadol, and Adequan is what has worked at our house. There are other meds you can add if there are no special kidney issues. Hugs to you and Tori.

  3. I remember Egon -- and you. So very sorry he had to leave. It's clear he was a well-loved boy in your family and quite a character, as well. My sincere sympathies to you and your family. Tell your little girl that this is a place where Egon was loved too, and will be remembered.


  4. Thanks very much, Chris.


    We know Shane has anxiety (since Spencer has been gone) and we know he has pain from LSS and whatever else. He's on gabapentin and methocarbamol for the latter, and we're supposed to give him Benedryl for the former. Xanax just seemed to make him worse, so we didn't stay with that more than one day. DH and I are taking turns sleeping on the couch, to administer Benedryl if needed. Doesn't sound like a good long-term plan to me.

  5. Chris, I hope you see this, because my whole-post-quoting function on GT hasn't been working. :riphair


    Did you figure out a cause for Cash's behavior? Shane has been doing the same thing lately, and everyone is clueless except for thinking that he has pain. He also has kidney issues but they're not anywhere near dire yet. Tonight I started wondering about seizures and came to GT to research. Didn't have to look far to find a case just like Shane's! Anything you can relate will be greatly appreciated!



  6. WHanson, no need to apologize at all. My siggie picture is misleading since Spencer isn't wearing his halo! And I'm totally over being sensitive about it.


    Budesonide targets the GI tract specifically, so you don't get the wide-ranging generalized SE's of pred, including weight loss. Spencer was on pred for three days, before we even knew he had SIBO or IBD, and dropped 5 lbs on the spot. Later, when we discovered the IBD, we went straight to budesonide and got excellent results. (If you use pred and then switch to budesonide, there has to be a wash-out period of at least two weeks, which is a long time for a dog in distress.) The only SE was fur loss. But greyhounds only need half the dose that other dogs should take, which is important to know because they can overdose on it.

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