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Posts posted by redlady

  1. I failed fostering with Radar a little over 5 years ago. Ever since I've had him, he's had extremely BAD breath. I've done the teeth cleaning, minty treats, vet exams, etc. Nothing has exposed the reason for the green fog, and nothing appears to be wrong.


    He acts fine, eats fine, etc. But, he's turned from spooky shy dog into super affectionate dog over the years and while I'm happy beyond belief at that, Oh. My. Word. His BREATH! :sick


    Any suggestions? (besides a gas mask?)

  2. You loved him with all your heart. Your grief and shock is completely normal. True, In the medical sense, our pets are not human. But that does not diminish the unconditional love that we give and recieve between us and them.


    Jock was loved. He knows that. He knew it the entire time, and that love and peace is what allowed him to transition so peacefully to the bridge. He trusted you for everything in his life, and you kept that promise and trust right through to the end. You made the hardest decision for you, knowing it was best for him


    It does get better, and by better I mean you don't cry as much. You start remembering the good times more and more. You eventually stop doing things like they are still with you physically. But they NEVER leave your thoughts, mind and heart. They are eternally a part of your life.


    Many, many hugs.

  3. Honey, I totally understand. I just lost my kitty. She was my first pet that I had on my own. I adopted her when I was in college, and I am now married (2nd husband) with a 2 year old son. There were so many years and memories with her that it's still not believable that she's gone.


    Many, many hugs to you. LB had a fantastic life and lived his life, right up until he went to the bridge, knowing that you loved him more than anything.

  4. I lost my 13 year old baby today. She had fatty liver brought on by small cell lymphoma. She was only sick at the very end. She arrested this afternoon while at the vet. They tried everything, but just couldn't revive her.


    I'll miss you my fat, mean, tabby cat. You were the first pet that I ever had on my own. You were patient despite your "catty" nature. You willingly accepted each pet I adopted after you (even if some of them were dogs). You moved with me on my adventures at the end of and after college. You meowed for the long car trips that brought us to our numerous new homes out of state. You saw me through breakups including my divorce. You were there to sleep at the foot of my bed when I brought my son home from the hospital when he was born (even if you meowed annoyed at the fact that you were disturbed every couple of hours while I breast fed him :lol )


    You were my rock. My one constant. Always there to sit in my lap, purr on my pillow and put the dogs into place whenever they stepped over their bounds. You never failed to bring a smile to my face and love into my heart. You were the only one I gave my middle name to - and you earned it. No one will ever be able to replace your special place in my heart.


    God speed baby girl. I know you're curled up with Sam at the bridge. He's been waiting a long time for you.


    Love Forever-


  5. I have 2 extra bedrooms and a finished basement. Fenced yard. Dogs/Cats (oh yeah - and humans) welcome. I have 3 cat safe dogs, and no cats. 4 crates are available.


    Michigan is a hike, but guaranteed Hurricane safe :lol


    Edited for spelling...

  6. If your vet argues with you about TBD testing, either educate them, or switch!!! Many of us had to argue about getting TBD testing done.


    My vet said "that kind of tick is rarely seen in Michigan" :blink: ummmmm....did you MISS the "He just came from Kansas" part of the conversation?


    Dogs travel a lot with the whole rescue thing. Our Radar was in a haul with another grey who I KNOW was tick infested.


    Protek is a greyt resource. My vet was going to charge $250 USD for a TBD test. I had the blood drawn and sent it into Protek myself for $25.


    DO NOT IGNORE TBD!!!!!!!!

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