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Posts posted by Maddiesmom

  1. Sending prayers your way. Maddie had a growth inside her mouth near her inside cheek (I called it a barnale or a blooming onion) because it looked like thise two items. Went to the vet and the vet said it was a pampinolla (sp?) - bascially it was a cold sore. Gave us some pills to give to her and in about 2 weeks it was completely gone.

  2. Jeff,


    Thiz es Maddie, I just entered in my mommy's and mine donation. I know howz to use the plastic very well on the intranet. Mommy is at work making the money soz i's can spend it on greyhound things. I do that very welL. Please excuze my misspellings as it hardz to type with such big paws.


    Thankz for all you do on gretalk, mommy has learns a lot of new things and appreciates having a site to go to when she needs help understanding me.




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