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Posts posted by Houndmom

  1. You both need to talk together about the topic of another grey, or two, so you can work through this and make the right decisions. You will know when you are ready to add a new member to the family. Everyone has a different way of grieving and finding resolution. I never thought I would be able to adopt immediately but we did. For my husband, who lost his heart dog last year, an immediate adoption gave him a new companion to care for and comfort him. For me it turned out to be the same answer. Willow helped me find peace in the loss of Darwin, my heart dog, and made life much easier to cope with. (It's almost scary in the similarities between her personality and Darwin's) We also had the satisfaction of knowing that even though one door closed, another opened for us to help make a difference. We will never forget the ones that passed and always remember to enjoy the ones we have now. Best wishes to you both. May another greyhound, or two, find their way into your lives to give you comfort.

  2. Sometimes it take a long while for the pain of their loss to subside. It is nice to know that you have a place to go and express your feelings and everyone understands your grief. We lost 3 dogs and my cat last year and I still feel a tremendous emptiness for all of them, especially my heart dog. Cherish all your memories and know your sweeties are living free across the bridge...where you will one day re-connect. :heart:heart

  3. I agree wholeheartedly. My co-worker said she wasn't ready for a dog at this time in her life. Eventually she came to my house and met my 3 greys and fell for the greyhounds almost immediately. After several months of learning about them she decided to come to an open house. Shortly thereafter a 12 year old came into the program. He was found running loose by the local police and brought to a shelter. My friend fell in love with him almost immediately but was afraid of adopting an older guy as she felt she didn't know if she could handle the loss of a dog that soon after adoption. We talked for a bit and I told her that there is never a guarantee of long life no matter what age they are. One of the things I always mention to people is that whether you have had your pet for one year or ten years the emptiness in your heart and the tears will flow just the same. The seniors deserve the same love as the younger guys. They will find their way into your hearts and give the loveback ten fold. When they eventually pass you know in your heart you have given the love and devotion to a special dog and made their lives full and happy. My co-worker understood the message and adopted this lovely senior. He will be 13 soon and going strong. This senior helped her in ways she never thought and brought incredible fulfillment to her lonely life. He is totally spoiled and happy as a clam (how do we know a clam is happy?). Last month she adopted her second greyhound....a 2 year old (haha). She also participates in our group events and never wastes an opportunity to promote greyhounds...and the seniors.


    Hug a senior dog today!!! There is a wonderful woman down the road from me who does senior dog rescue pretty much on her own. I keep in touch with her regularly and always make sure to drop off a few things for the dogs. Bless those who do such difficult work.

  4. I am so sorry for the loss of McDuff.  We lost out 1st grey (8 years old) to a very sudden and rare illness last year.  My husband was grieving so badly I decided to look into adopting another...not to replace Ginger, but to make him feel that he still had a purpose in caring for another rescue dog.  I am very glad we did adopt another.  The loss of a pet can be very devistating and you need to find your way through the pain.  You'll know when you are ready for another.  Just remember, adopting another dog doesn't mean you are replacing McDuff.  He will live in your heart and memories forever.  Lots of hugs to you all.  :??

  5. I love this idea..these are all great!!  :lol  :lol  :lol


    BUNNY HOP:  What a very excited greyhound does all the way to the door when he sees you pick up his leash.  All 4 feet up in the air as he bounces and twists.  Then of course with all the bouncing you can't get the leash on.   :lol

  6. We are very sorry for your loss.  We lost our 1st grey last July and our sheltie 6 weeks later.  Both were very ill and I know in my heart they are pain free and together again.  Rowdy is now pain free and running free. He will forever live in your memories.

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