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Posts posted by juliemac

  1. Good news, Ashley ... hope WhiteOut is feeling better soon!


    You've used Deramax before, right? take with food to avoid tummy upset, and if you need to (mine need it), cover it ENTIRELY with peanut butter for quick consumption.


    Keep us informed of how she's feeling. And after her fall, a little light massage with a low temp heating pad may help her feel better tonight/tomorrow.



  2. Thanks for the info, I feel better. I was afraid to do anything once I heard Kidney disease but now I feel better informed. Well, the dental would have been $600 and today alone for tests and antibiotics was $300 so when all is said and done I'll be in a grand:( Good thing my Kasey is so special :D

    Oh and you are correct they took the urine sample at the office and I know for a fact she peed here twice before her appt.

    Oh my ... where are you located? There's a fabulous grey-savvy vet in Tinley Park (I355 & I80 ... south side of Chicago) that would charge less than half that for the dental ... possibly worth the drive.


    PM me for Dr. Wahl's info if you'd like it.

  3. Sorry that Stanley (and you) are still struggling! But we all know that you're working through the issue, and will find the culprit soon!


    I do a home-cooked/raw diet (my girl likes raw, my boy likes his cooked medium rare with a bit of gravy topper ... sigh.) Anyway ... if you do need to board Stanley, you should be able to make up meal packets in quart-size, Ziploc freezer bags and prepare food in advance. I freeze 1 day's worth of food in a gallon bag (with 1 hound, you could get 2 day's worth in a gallon bag), and then thaw in fridge a day ahead of time (both of my go-to friends will microwave the food for 30 secs to heat it up nicely just to further spoil my pups).


    So please find what works, and THEN worry about the inconvenience for your helpers. And if you think that you'll be preparing meals long-term, I can highly recommend getting an electronic kitchen scale!

  4. where'd you score the beef broth packets?

    I've only found low sodium chicken broth packets (at Trader Joe's) ... they are the ONLY chicken broth item that I've found that didn't taste like salty water (I'm smell-compromised, which is why I get all of the liver-cooking for doggie treat baking days).


    BTW ... try throwing your doggy food into the crock pot just before bedtime (set crock pot to LOW heat) ... set out some larger storage containers before you go to bed so the morning cleanup is about 10 minutes (esp if you use a crock pot liner - worth every one of the 50 pennies!!). I also invested in those 2 cup round Ziploc bowls with screw-on lids .... I measure & serve my 2 dogs' dinner, and then portion out their breakfast (or perhaps the next THREE meals if I've got enough cooked food prepared) into single-portion containers. It makes my mornings MUCH easier, and the containers freeze as well (careful if you drop a frozen plastic container though ... they don't seem to survive the fall).

  5. Ditto on what has been said above. My Baby was restless for a LONG time after she came home with me, but then I realized she was my first grey that had really raced ... things changed when I could get her to do a quick zoomie in the yard in the evening. My Riley needs a snack before bedtime (he doesn't like to eat early in the morning), or else he will ensure that we're BOTH up & moving half the night.


    good luck!

  6. Stop leaving fingerprints on the ceiling!


    Mine won't touch them (they won't touch organs either, as I learned when I tried to move mine to a raw diet) ... but sounds like your pups are enjoying them!


    If you can find an oriental market, you may find them far less expensive than Whole Foods ... there are also several companies that are focused on providing raw meat for raw feeders, that will offer them at somewhat reasonable prices.

  7. Whining ... ah yes, the whining. It can be normal ... but it can be his attempt for attention (or to communicate with you). Or that he's hungry (my 12yo girlie does that in the morning to say "get up mommy, I need FOOD and POTTY")

    Watch and listen ... you'll figure out what's being said. Watch for indications of pain (twitching or growling if you touch specific spots), though, since you'll want to get THOSE issues addressed as fast as you can distinguish them.


    Good luck, and keep us updated!



  8. Thank you for your care and patience in dealing with this lovely, scared soul.


    I've had great success adding Young Living's Peace & Calming to the mixture (they have a new Peace & Calming II that's newly available - I haven't tried its effectiveness yet). It smells nice, too, which is an added bonus.


    My friend's hound has her storm phobia nearly fully controlled with a Thundershirt, 1 melatonin (3mg), and Peace & Calming. leaving one of these 3 items out will leave the little girlie in a quivering mess until storms are over. I know that you need a different solution (thundershirt not being an option), but I do like the options that the oils offer.


    good luck, and thank you so much for sharing your (wonderful) progress!

  9. while you're waiting to get forti-flora, try adding a bit (a tablespoon) of plain yoghurt to his food (let him lick a spoon first, though - mine will walk away from plain yoghurt, but will steal my peach flavored yoghurt).


    Welcome to Greytalk, and don't forget that we want to see pictures!!!

  10. Note that Metacam is expensive, and is also an NSAID, so don't take within 3days of deramax or other NSAID.


    I like Metacam, though, for dogs with low or shifting weight (its a liquid, and the accompanying syringe is measured by weight). My angel Paige used it ... she was 47# soaking wet and I struggled to keep weight on her.


    for a swollen toe, you could try soaking it in an Epsom salt bath (unless you know its from a dislocation or break, of course).


    I've personally found that PanAway (by Young Living) oil helps temporarily, but has to be applied 5-6 times throughout the day and I usually find applying it with pharmaceuticals to be the best approach. Copaiba may also help (it has a numbing effect ... great for toothaches btw)


    good luck.

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