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Posts posted by fritofeet

  1. The nice thing about Paragon is they are wheat free, made from potato fiber and plant fiber. The weirder the shape, the longer they last. We sell the most hedgies and a couple of our big dog customers say they last about 30 minutes. She buys them by the case now.

  2. :( I haven't been on in a very long time, but I heard that Jilly Bean had passed away and I had to come post and tell you how sorry I am for your loss.

    She is up there with all the greys giving them what for, and they are all glad the Queen Bean is large and in charge.

    Run free sweet Jilly.

  3. I appreciate all the input. While digging through the cupboards last night looking for melatonin, I found Diesel's tramadol and we all slept. :) Amazing what a little rest will do for a person and a dog. We do have a redbone coonhound that is 5 now, so Lucy is not alone at home. She can't stay in the kennel with the hound during the day because Sally will bowl her over and I am afraid she will get hurt. I think in my sleep deprived desperation some of you have the wrong idea about Lucy's condition. For 15 she is great, but she is incontinent which is frustrating and really frustrating when you are exhausted, late for work and step in it when not 3 minutes ago you took miss stubborn britches outside for 20 minutes...


    Anyway, we will give the melatonin a shot. I know it didn't work for fireworks, but it might work for sleeping...and if that isn't the answer I can call the vet. :) Drugs had never been a thought in my head....but she did sleep last night. The biggest problem is that she is restless and confused at night and keeps wandering/falling ect. I can't figure out a way to wear her out when I am at work, since I am waiting on customers and cough cough working. When we split up and try to sleep separate, one dog or another is disturbed and there is running back and forth down the hall and again nobody gets any sleep. I know you are thinking...just close the door-but it is a very long and boring story where there is no door on the bedroom and thus no quiet. There isn't anyway to put a door on the bedroom right now either, so it is all about getting Lucy comfortable and trying to help with her disorientation at night. She had the vestibular incident about a month before Diesel passed, ad the vet talked me into giving her 3 days to recover. We did bloodwork and the diagnoses from the vet was she is a 15 year old greyhound. :) And, for pajamas, she has multiple pairs in fleece and tshirt weight. Tshirt weight is often too hot for her, and naked is too cold. I put a blanket on her and she kicks it off and then is cold, so I am frustrated trying to figure out how to make her comfortable so she can sleep at night so that we can too.She still loves greeting people, getting scritches and eating. I just want her comfortable so we can all get some sleep.



  4. :( I'm so sorry for your losses. I think we all drift in and out from time to time though. I still have a few puppy pics of the litter when they were young. We have had coonhounds for awhile now also and I loved your puppy pics. Sending hugs...
  5. It has been awhile since I posted, and a lot has changed. We lost my Diesel to pancreatic cancer in July and it has been a difficult time. I never in a million years would have thought Lucy was close to him, but she can not be left alone at all. So, now my 15 yo girlie goes to work with us everyday. She is incontinent, blind, deaf, and had multiple strokes, weak back end and a vestibular incident and seems to think that she is not ready to go. She recovers from whatever is disturbing her this week and gets it together, and for the most part seems happy. She sleeps part of the day sometimes all day at the shop and then of course won't sleep at night when the humans are trying to sleep. I can't really excercise her or walk her, as she does not make it far-but I think in the last week both dh and I have the luxury of about 3 hours of sleep per night. If I put pjs on her she is too hot, if I don't put pjs on her she is too cold. If I turn off the light she freaks out because she can't see, if I turn on the night light it bothers her. I tried walking her tonight and made it to the end of the block before her back end drooped and she couldn't go anymore and I carried her home. I'm crabby with a capital K, my dh is grumpy and loopy and it is effecting our work. I'm at my wits end and I don't know what to do. I've tried crating and she wails, no crating and she slips and falls or bumps into the walls. On her good days she greets everyone at the store, gets her rubs and gums her cookies-so she still is enjoying food and things-but I am at a loss for what to do to help her at night. ANy ideas are greatly appreciated.

  6. It is a great food, but all formulas contain some form of chicken or fish so it hasn't worked for a few of my allergy customers. They do have a frequent buyer program, so you can figure out which formula works for all of your dogs and you can mix and match to get your free bag. Quite a few of our customers have switched from Taste of the Wild over to NutriSource because of it-but the ones who need a simpler formula have stayed with Taste of the Wild. Your store should be able to get you sample bags to try for your sensitive houndie.

  7. I have used the Fiproguard plus on my 3 since it came out and have not had a problem with it rolling off. I do work it through the fur in a line with the end and not just one spot though. No fleas here, and I used it after I found fleas when the dogs came back from boarding. Haven't had any problems with customers buying/using it either-but the plus will be scarce shortly as Frontline got a stay on the "plus" formula from other generics.


    So Fiproguard is "Frontline Top Spot"

    and Fiproguard Plus is "Frontline Plus."


    Hope that helps.

  8. Sometimes a little hot water on the kibble will get the appetite going. Can you add a tablespoon or so of the Bison canned to the dry? Diesel doesn't have allergies but is having stool issues so I have him on the Synergy mixed with the Bison. It helps, but he wants "extras" so I have to do a little canned & hot water or a raw egg over his kibble or he won't eat it.

    What treats are you feeding? Do you have him on a good pro or prebiotic?

  9. Elizabeth, I am so sorry that it was Simon's time. He knows how lucky you are to have had him in your life and will continue to shape yours.


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