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Weakness In Back Or What's Going On?

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This has only happened twice, so maybe I'm being alarmist, but Tracker is 10, and therefore of the age when things can start going wrong. Anyway, a few days ago, when I gave him his usual pre-morning walk scritches on his hips (when he was standing upright), his hind end all of a sudden kind of started "sagging", for lack of a better word, meaning his rear end started moving forward and downward as if he were about to poop. This only lasted a second or two and he stood back upright. The front stayed where it was. Then this morning, as he was actually producing his first morning poop and was squatting, a somewhat similar thing happened: from the squatting position his rear end caved forward very abruptly as if he were stumbling or falling. The front end, again, stayed in place. Two seconds later he was upright again. He's been having the very occasional hind leg shakes when lifting his legs and peeing or when standing too long in one place. No idea whether there's any connection, just thought I'd mention it since it's also hind end related.


Any suggestions? Of course I don't expect a diagnosis, but maybe pointers to cause and urgency. If I see this a few more times, we're off to the vet.

Edited by christinepi
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