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Pee Party Happening At My House :(

Guest GreytBengalMom

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I just wanted to add that no matter how long my dogs had been with us, if I was within hearing distance when they peed outside, I *always* told them GOOD BOY or GOOD GIRL. Even the one we had the longest, which was 10 years. Praise never hurts. :)

Phoebe (Belle's Sweetpea) adopted 9/2/13.

Jack (BTR Captain Jack) 9/28/05--11/2/12
Always missing Buddy, Ruby, and Rascal.

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Guest GreytBengalMom

Glad he's doing better. Enough people have commented on the scolding so I won't add on. But I would suggest you stop thinking of crating as a negative things. Some dogs need to be crated to keep them safe/out of trouble, others like to be crated--it's their safe space, for some it's both, like my little shoe-eating, crate loving monster. Others dislike crates and don't need to be crated, it depends on the dog.


In general, while it can be hard and I'm by no means perfect at this, there's really no point in getting angry over this kind of thing, it only upsets the dog and doesn't help them understand what you want. Try to keep in mind that he's not trying to cause a problem or upset you when this kind of thing happens.


I don't think of the crate as a negative thing at all, but Eddie does. The crate is still up in our family room, but our cat now sleeps in it. I think the cat thinks he's showing Eddie who's boss by laying in his crate, but obviously Eddie could care less since he hates the thing anyways.

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