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Anyone Have An Update On Freddy The Grey Being Treated At Osu?

Guest lynne893

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Freddy had major surgery this morning. Here is the update from Christine, the President of Greyhound Rescue & Rehab:



"Here's an update on Freddy. I spoke with the surgeon about 1:30 this afternoon.
Freddy was just waking up after being in surgery for close to 4 hours.. 5 surgeons were working on him. Took a 3x12" piece of skin from his abdomen and flapped it onto the inside of his right thigh all the way down to his knee. He's awake and not happy. Now it's a waiting game. Pray that new blood supply kicks in and the skin flap adheres to the wound. Freddy has to behave by keeping calm and not picking at his bandages or trying to remove the drain. It will be about 3-5 days before the surgeons know for sure what/how much skin is going to take from the flap. The most critical area is around the knee as the movement and tension is bound to cause some issues.

You've all done so much but I'd like to ask for another get well card campaign for Freddy. He's still in isolation and has restricted visitors but when he gets mail, they take some extra time to read to him. Here's the address:
Ohio State University Veterinary Center
Soft Tissue Surgery Dept.
Attn: Freddy & Dr. Pugliese
601 Vernon Tharp Rd.
Columbus, OH 43210

Keep the good thoughts and prayers heading Freddy's way for the next few days please.


It sounds as though Freddy needs all of the prayers we can send him, poor houndie. Let's hope that the graft takes, and he has a complete healing.


Loving Kimba & Fred, missing Booker & Polly, first greyhounds, never forgotten.
"I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights.
That is the way of a whole human being."
Abraham Lincoln

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