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Science Diet Sensitive Stomach

Guest Liz_in_PA

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Guest Liz_in_PA

Dash and Bonnie are avoiding eating their kibble until they have to. They get chicken at night. A few days this week they have even not finished there kibble for the day. Today, Dash threw up twice.


Anyone having troubles with it?

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Guest sirsmom

I've read that they were in the process of changing most of the formulas. If you go on their website they say to transition to the new formulation for 7 days

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Guest krussell

FYI I would really research more into feeding science diet and the ingredients they use. For the price you pay, there are so many better brands out there...

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The OP wasn't asking for feeding response, so this comment is unhelpful.


Actually, Science Diet is very trustworthy because they make their own food, carefully source their ingredients, and do real feed trials, unlike most boutique brands. Buying a food based just on a list of ingredients is, shall we say, a limited perspective, as any real veterinary nutritionist will confirm, and has a lot to do with human ideas of what the dog should eat. (And they are revamping their ingredients right now, too, for people who are obsessed with that -- to what people out there consider "better.") They have had virtually no recalls ever. And zillions of people's dogs do really well on it -- Sensitive Stomach has great user reviews.


Liz, Hill's is extremely responsive to any customer concerns -- you should contact them. The new formula also comes in a different looking bag, so it is easy to know if you have it or not.

Edited by PrairieProf

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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