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Brrrr...walking Alternative

Guest kerber

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GeorgeofNE and PrairieProf ... the few, the proud, the yardless, the single, the "yeah there's a reason we only have one hound".... :D


(OK I do have a tiny yard without direct access but I rarely use it, as Beth mostly sniffs around looking for rabbit poop and doesn't get down to business. It's nice in a blizzard or for training games on occasion.)


Yepper. One dog here. No fenced backyard (I do have a HUGE backyard but won't fence while it's on the market). I'm a widow and there is nobody else to walk Annie B, so out we go. Right now I'm visiting my sister, who lives in northern New York State, and the wind chill was zero this morning. We all bundled up, Annie with coat and hat that covers her neck, top and bottom, as well as ears, and out we went at 8:30 this morning for a walk. We walked the same at mid-afternoon. In between, she was out for a quick chance to P&P in the side yard. The only condition Annie won't walk in -- absolutely refusing -- is heavy rain. She'll do her P&P on the grass next to the driveway, but immediately pulls to go back in the house. It's tough having to walk a dog in bad weather, but ya kinda get used to it as well as making you feel good because your dog enjoys it so much.

Edited by Feisty49
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Guest lanielovesgreys
Yep, we have a few indoor parks in Pittsburgh. Some have K9 Grass, which is like turf, but has a plumbing system underneath that absorbs the pee and allows you to just hose the poop off. We don't use them too much because the closest one is still 45 minutes away. But I think you're right. This would be a wonderful and very profitable idea for areas that experience the winter season.


I guess not so profitable after all. But come on, the weather in Dallas is never so bad to get in the car and drive to the park. It's a better idea for the northeast. I stand by that opinion. :lol

Edited by lanielovesgreys
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Does Blue have a coat suitable for very cold weather?My guys don't want to go out unless they have their fleecy jackets on.They all have mid weight coats for chilly days and heavy weight ChilliDogs coats for really cold days.
Yes, and boots.


It's rough, man. I can sympathize. I live in MN and it's cold, cold, cold. Thankfully, my boy will still do his business outside. I don't have a yard as I live in an apartment and when it's really cold, he will actually pee on the SIDEWALK because he doesn't want to stay outside. Then he drags me back to the door - like get me the heck out of this freezing cold! Can't say I blame him.I guess you'll have to bundle up and wait until she goes. Give treats and be brave. Hahaha... you'll live through it with a little persistence and a very warm coat.
Yup, I'm near Fargo...-20 tonite with wind chills making it just plain brrr


We are in Ma. and I have a yard but it is not fenced. So it's twice a day 365. I have been doing it for like 16 years! And yes I have been out in every weather you can come up with! But it is a commitment I made to my girls! There are times when it is so cold and or wet and I question my self but they need outside time and it's everyday no matter what. So get a warm coat for the dog and extra warm one for your self and just go until she goes!
I have no problem going outside in the cold, I will do it no matter what...it's the dog I am worried about not getting it all out, lol
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A couple things that don't seem to be suggested yet - although more to address the cabin-fever naughtiness than the potty issue.


Car rides can be stimulating especially if your hound is more of a standy-upper than a curl-up-and-ride hound.


Also, training exercises can help - mental stimulation is often as good at boredom-relief as exercise.


For the potty issues, just keep walking until you get several pees, to try be sure your girl's bladder is empty. I'm another with no other option than leash walking, and I've fostered a fair number of hounds. Each has their own unique potty habits, so once you figure how much your girl needs to go to make it through the night, just monitor while on walks and don't go in until that happens (not at easy as it sounds sometimes :) )

Wendy with Twiggy, fosterless while Twiggy's fighting the good fight, and Donnie & Aiden the kitties

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Guest FreeholdHound

Single walker here too! I have a HUGE backyard, but no fence. Harry & I bundle up & get out there 2-3 x's a day. Rain, snow & illness (ugh). If its really nasty out for the pre-bedtime outing Harry barely clears the patio to do his business & is heading for the door in seconds - bless him!

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