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Meet Teddi!

Guest kkaiser104

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Guest CharlEYp

He's beautiful and i love how you've already placed him above the brand new car. ;) i bet he loved all that space. I do the same with my Boy in my Jazz (fold the seats flat with LOTS of blankets,) he loves it!

Althought i quite frequently end up with a wet shoulder where he's slobbered on me. :wub:

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Guest kkaiser104

Teddi is absolutely FABULOUS in the car! He's been home for a little over a week and he's doing wonderfully. We wake up, go on a morning walk, and then he sleeps ALLLLLL day while I do schoolwork or go to work, and then we either take a walk in the evening or take a trip to the dog park (his new favorite thing). Here's a few more photos of my handsome boy, and a video!


Here's a video from Teddi's first night at the dog park (sorry for the AWFUL quality, I was using my cell phone camera because I didn't think to bring my flip camera)


His first roach since he came home with me! This is at my parents house, where we had to retreat for the weekend after losing power in Athens...



First Roach! by Katelyn Kaiser, on Flickr


Not a great quality, but his first of many evening playtimes (it always happens while I'm cooking dinner)



First Playtime by Katelyn Kaiser, on Flickr


First ever bed fail



bed fail by Katelyn Kaiser, on Flickr

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