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Guest DragonflyDM

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Guest JustGreyt05

Mine is AWFUL. Embarrassingly so. I think about him constantly. Its certain that I feed in to HIS separation anxiety. It is really bad.

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Guest SusanP

I honestly don't like to be away from them for more than a few hours. I feel even more uncomfortable if I'm not close enough to rush home at a moment's notice. We don't vacation without our dogs. Every year, all 4 of them come with us and our kids up to Northern Minnesota, where we stay in a dog-friendly wilderness cabin in the middle of nowhere.


The only exception to all this was last summer, when DD and I spent 2 weeks in Spain. But the dogs still had DH and DS at home with them. I still worried about them quite a bit...


Yes, I may have more SA than the dogs do.

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Guest FastDogsOwnMe

There's no way in hell I'd leave my almost 15 year old dog for very long. I don't even see a point in doing things without him, for the most part. I'd certainly never vacation without him. I would have no fun at all. The others, I'm not as bothered about, though I don't like leaving my younger Whippet for too long either. Everyone else just sleeps and while I love them all, it's only those two boys I think I have real "SA" with. I will leave the younger one for the day on occasion, but I wouldn't travel without him. The old one, I wouldn't even leave for a day. The old one does suffer a bit without me (small remaining SA from his younger days), and I feel like I'm wasting what time we have left together (he's healthy as can be, but he IS old!) if I go anywhere without him where he could have come, too. It's always a better time with him, and he's so well behaved, clean, and quiet that he never takes anything away from our good times. The only time I make an exception is outdoor events in very hot weather, which since he's gotten old, he doesn't do well in. He lags and drags. I, however, hate the heat too, so such events are not commonplace for us to attend. Coast Guard Day festivities in August are the only time he might get left behind for several hours. Dogs are allowed, but I won't subject him to those temps since the water activities to keep cool are human only. As far as things like cruises or airplane trips abroad (been there, done that- and took the dog with me, actually), I have no interest anyway. I'm past that part of my life, and I don't miss it.


I've been to nearly every single state, by car, with that dog. He's seen the world with me. And I'm so glad he was there to share the good times. He's done all kinds of awesome stuff that many humans never get to do, and he takes it all in stride. Aside from his super attachment to me, he's pretty much bombproof, as long as I'm there. We traveled extensively for dog shows and such when he was young, too. I don't feel much need to travel any more, but if I do, my buddy will be coming along- and after him, my new buddy.

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